Search Results for: research

There’s a New Model in Town

Times are changing, and there’s a new federal workforce model in town. Check out Deloitte’s GovLab which provides new research and perspective around the Future of the Federal Workforce. See how the cloud workforce model can work for government. Be sure to visit GovLab for more information! ————————- Deloitte’s Global Public Sector plays an importantRead… Read more »

Why Johnny Can’t Do the Four Cs

Sandi Edwards’ article, Educated Workers Short On Skills Government Needs Most, published in the online publication, Aol Government, puts a new slant on the “why Johnny can’t read” debate. Only this time it has to do with the four Cs instead of the three Rs. In case, you’ve forgotten, here are the “The Four Cs:”Read… Read more »

Social Media in Times of Emergency

In the month of August, the East Coast was hit with two natural disasters, one foreseen, Hurricane Irene, and one without notice, the August 23rd earthquake. Though one primary form of established media failed—phone service during the earthquake was interrupted for many, if not most—both government agencies and individual citizens used social media to learnRead… Read more »

Top 5 Colleges if You Want to Work at White House

*****GovLoop has partnered with CampusSplash for a series of Back to School Articles**** You were on the debate team. You’ve seen every episode of West Wing. You are shocked when people don’t know the current Chief of Staff of our fine country. Of course you want to work at the White House. So how doRead… Read more »

Month in review 8/15-9/20

With the August being a slow month and then my preparation for my speech last week in California, it was a slow posting month. I’m back to normal posting now. New! Social Media links for national political party organizations and their influence rankings (@dccchas best @klout) New blog post: The CA Legislature, social mediaRead… Read more »

Covering the Clinton Global Initiative

Guest post by Ana Tellez, a Senior Health Writer at CommunicateHealth. She is currently pursuing her M.A. in Communication & Education at Columbia University’s Teachers College where she is researching the intersection of technology design and health literacy. Greetings, Pulse + Signalers! This week the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) is hosting its annual meeting inRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Social Media Mimicry in the Workplace

Let‘s face it: the social media that many enterprises hail also pose big problems. Employee use of the Internet–particularly social networks–is a big timewaster. A new Nielsen study found that Americans spend 23% of their online time on social networks, with an increasing amount of that browsing time spend spent on mobile apps. Like theRead… Read more »

OpenData Race Begins in Philadelphia

Several months ago, with the unveiling of the OpenDataPhilly website, the City of Philadelphia joined the growing fraternity of cities across the country and around the world to release municipal data sets in open, developer friendly formats. But the City of Brotherly Love did things a bit differently than most of it’s contemporaries. The cityRead… Read more »

Small Ecosystems and Security

Anthropologist Robin Dunbar famously observed that most people can only maintain relationships at one time with 150 people. The average on Facebook is 120-230. And of that, only a fraction really matter to us. Penetrating a small circle is usually very difficult, especially if they are members of a network based around a tie thatRead… Read more »

Neo-Progressive Watch: Rahm Emanuel vs. Teachers Union

Anyone who read the Obama’s book, The Audacity of Hope will have been struck with the amount of time the then aspiring presidential candidate spent writing about public education policy. More notably, he seemed to acknowledge that any effort at education reform was likely going to butt heads with teachers unions at some point andRead… Read more »