Search Results for: research

A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Day 28

Day 28 Utility in our Right of Way with No Permit Today I spent a little more time looking into the utility that was placed in our right of way with no permit. We went out into the field to measure how far off the road the concrete handholes were poured. For most of theRead… Read more »

Obama’s Job Speech: Full Text

Here’s the full text of President Obama’s joint address to Congress calling for passage of a new jobs bill: THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary September 8, 2011 Remarks of President Barack Obama in an Address to a Joint Session of Congress Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, and fellow Americans:Read… Read more »

Wolfram Data Summit: Alan Vander Mallie, From

Next presentation I heard was Alan Vander Mallie, from First off, I had the chance to speak briefly with Alan – he is from Upstate NY too, so bonus points for Alan. Alan started off by providing the audience of what is doing and giving us a preview of what’s next for… Read more »

GovLoop Blog

Filed under: Tech


Wolfram Data Summit: Ian O’Brien, Branch Chief of the US Census Bureau

Up next at the Wolfram Data Summit is Ian O’Brien, Branch Chief of the US Census Bureau. Here is the brief overview of his presentation, followed by my overview of the presentation: Statistical Abstract of the United States: The Value of Data Ian O’Brien Branch Chief, U.S. Census Bureau The presentation discusses the value ofRead… Read more »

Wolfram Data Summit: Lynn Etheredge, Director: Rapid Learning Project, George Washington University

Blogging today from the Wolfram Data Summit, Lynn Etheredge just wrapped up his presentation, quick overview is below, followed by my write up of the presentation: A Rapid-Learning Health System: Using Electronic Health Records and Apps Lynn Etheredge Director, Rapid Learning Project, George Washington University This talk will update progress toward a national rapid-learning healthRead… Read more »

GovLoop Blog

Filed under: Tech

Wolfram Data Summit: Timothy Vaughan, PatientsLikeMe

Up now at the Wolfram Data Summit is Timothy Vaughan, Research Scientist from PatientsLikeMe – here is the quick overview of his presentation and an overview below: Drug Efficacy in the Wild Timothy Vaughan Research Scientist, PatientsLikeMe Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating illness that is uniformly fatal, typically within two to four years.Read… Read more »

Design For Yourself, Not For Your Customer?

On August 24, 2011, Steve Jobs resigned as the CEO of Apple Inc. Whether or not you like his products, it’s hard not to be fascinated by the black turtleneck-wearing visionary. Over the course of his career, Jobs has said many insightful and profound statements about technology, PCs, business, the future, and life in general.Read… Read more »

TTPs, CRADAs, MRM, and Fixmo

There are several different avenues for private enterprise and government to work together in the technology field these days. This can benefit all parties involved, from the government agencies to the industry, to the consumer. I want to explore a couple of them today and look at what they can mean to you. Technology TransferRead… Read more »

Detroit, Macon & Philly Selected for CfA 2012

(Crossposted from the Knight Foundation Blog) As we are nearing the end of Code for America’s inaugural fellowship year, we’re excited to announce the forward-thinking city governments we will be partnering with in 2012. Today we’re honored to share that the cities of Detroit, Macon and Philadelphia have been selected as partners for the CodeRead… Read more »

Contractors Use Webinars, Social Media To Extend Their Voices

I originally published on GovWin Communication is an important aspect of any business, but how do new media tools affect government contractors seeking to team with others? In addition to social media tools like LinkedIn and Twitter, there are additional tools like company blogs and webinars that all play a part in extending the voiceRead… Read more »