Search Results for: cio

What Would Walt Do?

An internal blog post at my work has had me thinking quite a bit. A senior leader – who I have a great deal of respect for – has challenged my notions of government work by stepping right out of government examples altogether to identify an organization he thinks does it very, very right. Disney.Read… Read more »

RESPONSE TO “Get Rid of Government! (But Then What?)” PART 1

Please read, Get Rid of Government! (But Then What?) before reading below… I believe the most important thing to remember is history. Here are a few quotes that I have memorized for the advancement of my own wisdom that may help put this discussion in perspective: -The farther backward you look, the farther forward youRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Learning How To Fly

For as long as I can remember I have loved creative writing. I loved it because I knew that anything was possible. You can develop any character, create any setting, lead the characters down any path, and choose any number of events to unfold. You are permitted to develop your own rules outside of theRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Roundup (April 23 Edition)

Local governments look to the cloud, Corpus Christi goes the open source route, with a twist, the Commerce Department wants your opinion and financial fraud victims have a new resource, all in this week’s version of the Rock Creek Roundup. –Saving resources, having access to advanced features and functionality, and reliable availability and uptime wereRead… Read more »

Earth Day and Energy Efficiency: GovLoop Poll Results

In anticipation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Earth Day 2010 today, we worked with GovLoop last week to poll community members on workplace habits related to energy efficiency. I was pleased and encouraged by the over 150 responses to our poll, which consisted of the following three questions: 1) How does energy efficiency influenceRead… Read more »

Change Your Questions- Change Your Outcomes

“New opinions often appear first as jokes and fancies, then as blasphemies and treason, then as questions open to discussion, and finally as established truths.” ~ George Bernard Shaw In a bookstore recently, I perused the books on the shelves and a spotted an intriguing title that jumped out at me: “Change Your Questions- ChangeRead… Read more »

IT changing to Enterprise 2.0 and could this be Government 2.0?

There seems to be a number of people doing some pretty serious thinking at the moment. On the one side there are CIOs and business managers grappling with some very real challenges and on the other some very good work on identifying the key factors that underlie these challenges. I think the playing field forRead… Read more »

The Army’s iPhone Story

Sandra Erwin of National Defense magazine just published an excellent article on the Army’s foray into developing soldier-friendly smartphone applications. Giving credit to Army CIO Lt. Gen, Jeffrey Sorenson and Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Chiarelli, Sandra describes the services first steps towards the use of smartphones and cloud computing.According to the article,Read… Read more »

Art Of Abstraction – Defeating Art Of Obfuscation

Art of Abstraction in the Investigational Architecture work – Defeating the Devious Art of Obfuscation Bell Curves as statistical derivatives provide excellent hindsight in a single agent market or in a homogenous system. However, they breakdown in a multi-agent market or heterogeneous system, where Fractals provide better foresight as opposed to statistical hind sight basedRead… Read more »

Vivek Kundra Steps Up to Cloud Computing’s Next Challenge

” [C]loud customers must be able to easily store, access, and process data across multiple clouds; weave together a mesh of different services to meet their needs; and have a way to collaborate with business partners around the globe. Federated clouds – networks of interoperable clouds that work together – will give rise to serviceRead… Read more »