Search Results for: research

DataBC Hackathon this Saturday – inviting the public.

This Saturday, August 27, 2011 the Province of British Columbia is partnering with the Mozilla Foundation and OpenDataBC to host a open data hackathon. The hackathon will be taking place at Mozilla Labs Vancouver. Their address is: 163 West Hastings Street, suite-200 Vancouver, BC V6B 1H5 (in the very beautiful Flack Building) So three things:Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Councils using open data to encourage channel shift

Councils are using demographic research information to target sections of the population to encourage them to access their services online. Many local authorities are using research tools to compile and analyse statistical information about their community. A report such as this one published on Kent County Council’s website contains a wealth of information that canRead… Read more »

Rethinking Value: How Embedded Roles Makes Us Valuable

Yesterday I posted David Shumaker’s article: The Value Proposition of Embedded Librarianship. Today, I want to continue on that theme with this article by Mary Talley, co-author of the SLA Funded Research Project: Models of Embedded Librarianship, 2009 for this article: Rethinking Value: How Embedded Roles Makes Us Valuable. This article was originally published inRead… Read more »

Dear Governor Brownback,

By Abigail Omojola, 2011 Baton Rouge Fellow Unlike Alexander Aldrich, the Executive Director of the Vermont Arts Council, I have not been following the debate which resulted in Kansas becoming the first state to eliminate state appropriations for arts programs. Nonetheless, I am angry. I am angry that for some reason you truly believe thatRead… Read more »

why foodies should care about city government

by Megan Degeneffe, SF2011 Brooke Budner and Caitlyn Galloway are the sort of people who are important to making government work. Brooke and Caitlyn run Little City Gardens, a for-profit experiment to find out if growing food in the city can be profitable. The problem came when Little City Gardens attempted to expand and discoveredRead… Read more »

blight or art? san francisco’s war against graffiti

by Dani Fitts San Francisco Fellow ’11 In my time here at San Francisco, the Board of Supervisors has held two hearings entitled “Report of Assessment Costs for Blighted Properties”. During these hearings property owners are given the opportunity to object to fines levied against them for failing to remove blight from their properties. IRead… Read more »

Trends on Tuesdays: Smartphone Apps

According to research firm comScore Of special note A look at the top smartphone app categories revealed that Weather apps had the largest audience reaching 31 million smartphone owners, or 40.4% of the total U.S. smartphone audience. Social Networking apps closely followed with a smartphone audience of 29.4 million (38.2% reach). Read more at comScore.Read… Read more »

The digital newsroom Kool-Aid

There’s an interesting online discussion coming up on Wednesday in the form of the regular #nhssm Twitter chat, which this week is focussing on using social media to connect with the media and running a digital press office in the health sector. This is something Tim Lloyd, one of the conveners of #nhssm, has beenRead… Read more »

Assessing Public Participation in an Open Government Era: A Review of Federal Agency Plans

AmericaSpeaks‘ newly-released report, Assessing Public Participation in an Open Government Era: A Review of Federal Agency Plans (2011), describes and analyzes the participation activities described in Federal Agencies’ Open Government Plans. It identifies best practices across Agencies’ public participation initiatives and recommends improvements that would increase the public’s role in shaping federal policy. The reportRead… Read more »

Avoid Underrepresenting your Organization

I recently sat through a meeting with a vendor who represented a Fortune 500 company. During this meeting I witnessed behavior which spurred me to compose this article. The vendor I met with had a bad habit of deflecting questions, providing vague details, and speaking with a general lack of confidence. The vendor greatly underrepresentedRead… Read more »