Search Results for: research

A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Day 15

Day 15 GIS Maps Yesterday at the very end of the day, our IT staff added a link on our Intranet site to the web map we had created. This is an online map of our GIS information that’s accessed through a browser. Unfortunately we still haven’t been able to make the web map inRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Food & Nutrition Iconathon in Los Angeles

We had another great Iconathon in Los Angeles on Saturday August 13, 2011. (Jump to Photos) In Iconathons, designers, public policy people, coders and other interested citizens get together to develop new civic symbols for the public domain. These symbols can be used in new web applications, infographics, signage, policy documents, maps and anywhere elseRead… Read more »

Avoid Underrepresenting your Organization

I recently sat through a meeting with a vendor who represented a Fortune 500 company. During this meeting I witnessed behavior which spurred me to compose this article. The vendor I met with had a bad habit of deflecting questions, providing vague details, and speaking with a general lack of confidence. The vendor greatly underrepresentedRead… Read more »

Why We’re Excited About Amazon’s Government Cloud

Amazon announced the Amazon Web Services GovCloud today. This means that government agencies and programs can benefit from Amazon Web Services without having to fret about the myriad security and compliance issues that have been keeping them back. We’re really excited about this for a few reasons: Fewer Excuses Amazon has waded through the oceanRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


From “The Farm” to FarmVille

In an experiment on crowdsourcing intelligence, Applied Research Associates, Inc hopes to see if it can build better intelligence collectors and analysts than the CIA produces on “The Farm”, its field academy for clandestine officers, with a tool that bears more resemblance to Facebook’s popular social networking game FarmVille. ARA recently launched the Aggregative ContingentRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Microsoft Works to Tame the Wild Wild Web

The World Wide Web is often compared to the American Old West, such as in the recent exchange over NPR and Pastebin between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the hacker collective Anonymous. When the FBI stated that ”The Internet has become so important to so many people that we have to ensure that theRead… Read more »

When Contracting, It’s Not About You

{Originally published at, a Deltek network.} You might have the coolest new technology or most profitable business model on the block, but when you contract with the government, it’s not about you. The panel of experts at the latest GovWin webinar, Securing Government Contracts: Lessons Learned from Successful SMBs, explained why. [Watch the archivedRead… Read more »

Why Social Media behind the Government Firewall Matters

This comment, posted four months ago to my blog by Jesse G. in response to this post on GCPEDIA, remains one of the favorite comments posted to my blog ever. This is a public servant who understands the future and is trying to live it. I’ve literally had this comment sitting in my inbox becauseRead… Read more »

ITS sector shows strength

A new report from the Intelligent Transportation Society of America confirmed that cities and states are coping with budget reductions by using technology solutions to maximize existing transportation capacity. “This report validates what we have known for some time – that the transportation technology industry is healthy, growing, and supports high-paying jobs across the country,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech