Search Results for: research

Training Definitions and Terms

Searching for information just ain’t what it used to be. But you knew that already. I said in my last article I would give you a few training definitions. Well, as you know, the internet is full of definitions. Below are some that best fit our purposes. I wish I could take credit for themRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Take a Break! To Disconnect or Not to Disconnect on Vacation.

As he headed off on vacation to Martha’s Vineyard with his family last week, President Obama was criticized by political opponents and pundits for taking time off with the economy in such precarious shape and so many people on the unemployment line. While we may want our leaders – we may even want ourselves –Read… Read more »

A useful Open Gov Commitment? Focus and Harness the Winds of Public Comment

The White House Recently asked citizens to post suggestions on how to improve,, and the Federal web strategy. This is part two of a multi-part series on how to and more importantly, why we should consider changing the way these, (potentially) game-changing efforts could be improved. Here, we present some comments for regulations.govRead… Read more »

Casellas on Legal Ontology Engineering

Dr. Núria Casellas of the Legal Information Institute has published Legal Ontology Engineering: Methodologies, Modelling Trends, and the Ontology of Professional Judicial Knowledge (Springer, 2011) (Law, Governance and Technology Series ; Vol. 3). Here is the publisher’s description: Enabling information interoperability, fostering legal knowledge usability and reuse, enhancing legal information search, in short, formalizing theRead… Read more »

Avoid Underrepresenting your Organization

I recently sat through a meeting with a vendor who represented a Fortune 500 company. During this meeting I witnessed behavior which spurred me to compose this article. The vendor I met with had a bad habit of deflecting questions, providing vague details, and speaking with a general lack of confidence. The vendor greatly underrepresentedRead… Read more »

Why We’re Excited About Amazon’s Government Cloud

Amazon announced the Amazon Web Services GovCloud today. This means that government agencies and programs can benefit from Amazon Web Services without having to fret about the myriad security and compliance issues that have been keeping them back. We’re really excited about this for a few reasons: Fewer Excuses Amazon has waded through the oceanRead… Read more »

Trends on Tuesdays: How Americans Use their Cellphones

The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project has released another great new report, “Americans and Their Cell Phones.” Comparing data from one year ago, people continue to use their cellphones beyond talking. Source: The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, April 26 – May 22, 2011 Spring Tracking Survey. n=2,277 adultRead… Read more »

ACUS Calls for ‘Reliable Comment Analysis Software’

In a recent series of recommendations, the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS), announced findings under the auspices of “Legal Considerations in e-Rulemaking,” from the Committee on Rulemaking. Having spent more than decade working on e-Rulemaking, I was curious to see what was at the top of their list. It was a relief toRead… Read more »

Is Your Agency SMART?

We all know that government agencies are constantly under pressure to make their conversations with constituents measurable, and results-based to justify the investment. One stand-out action the city of New York is doing to keep this at the forefront of importance is driving an advisory board of SMART members (the Social Media Advisory and ResearchRead… Read more »

Wasteful or Wonderful?

How do you tell the different between when government programs overlap and duplicate each other versus when they complement and reinforce each other in a collaborative network? Is this just a difference in rhetoric or in reality? This is the underlying theme of a new report by Congressional Research Service specialist Fredrick Kaiser, in “InteragencyRead… Read more »