Search Results for: Cloud

Hadoop for Bioinformatics

Bioinformatics is the application of computer science in the form of statistics and analytics to molecular biology. This exciting field is bringing about great breakthroughs, especially in genetics, where computers and algorithms are being used to map genomes. Advances in this field show promise in helping us understand life and advance science. The field isRead… Read more »

Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise Conference 6-9 June 2011

The Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise (DI2E) is an overarching construct for integrating operational intelligence capabilities in support of DoD missions. This community is closely related to the DoD Intelligence Information System (DoDIIS) community, but the focus here is more on the operational military. Here is a bit from the DI2E conference site: The first DefenseRead… Read more »

GCPedia 2.0 – CMS Showcase

One of the headline sections of our Open Government Canada webinar will be the CMS Showcase. These will introduce the core building block of an Open Gov program, the Web CMS (Content Management System). For example Drupal, Joomla, Plone, RedDot, and many others. We’ll be covering these apps, their cool features and what’s the relevanceRead… Read more »

It’s not grim up North

In todays Guardian Online, in the Comment is Free section, is either a) a scathing disparagement of Northern towns beginning with B, or b) someone’s attempt at humour gone utterly wrong. I work in Blackburn and live in Accrington, both towns located in an area of Northern England generally referred to as East Lancashire. BothRead… Read more »

GCPedia 2.0 – CMS Showcase

One of the headline sections of our Open Government Canada webinar will be the CMS Showcase. These will introduce the core building block of an Open Gov program, the Web CMS (Content Management System). For example Drupal, Joomla, Plone, RedDot, and many others. We’ll be covering these apps, their cool features and what’s the relevanceRead… Read more »

Open Government Links of the Week – May 27, 2011

“Freedom of Information Summit brings journalists, open-records advocates together” The event was held in New Hampshire (in part) by the National Freedom of Information Coalition. “Real-Time Data Helps Iowa Households Lower Their Water Bills” Data = potential for cost-savings. “New GAO Report Shows the Benefits of Spending Transparency” “Often, when talking about why Recovery ActRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: May 27, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Good thing Corridor is up and running. Due to budget cuts, Federal CIO Kundra has pulled the plug on FedSpace She said to wiki this way. Syracuse University Professor Ines Mergel has published a report with the Center on using Wikis in the federal government: “Using Wikis in Government: A Guide for PublicRead… Read more »

High Performance Clusters – Unleashing an Innovation Nation

Image via Wikipedia When setting up as an prototype example of Open Government, I was keenly motivated by a number of ideas from other sources, in particular Cisco’s ‘Next Generation Cluster’. First, other ideas that went in included one that was the real ‘secret sauce’ – Forward Commitment Procurement. This is one of thoseRead… Read more »

Partnering with EMC to Bring Data Scientists into the Fellowship

Earlier this month, our own Jen Pahlka had the honor of delivering the closing keynote at the EMC Data Scientist Summit in Las Vegas. The day-long event was a mix of speakers and panels with topics ranging from machine learning to cloud infrastructure. Jen rounded out the event by bringing the topic back down toRead… Read more »

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