Search Results for: research

Transparent government

I have read three blog posts in the last few days which together strike me as indicators of a welcome trend. The first two were both from the new Government Digital Service blog, the first from Mike Bracken on his first few weeks in government as Director of Digital. It’s a very upbeat assessment, butRead… Read more »

Mash My Gov!

In yesterday’s post, @psychemedia described how combining data from different sources could create new insights for people (and indeed staff!) on their local services… Well, the University of Lincoln (@lisc_) have come up with a tool that does just that! MashMyGov is a way of enabling you to do just that. Getting provocative about dataRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

The day I went to Google New York

In almost every area they compete Google dominates…mail, maps, search and mobile. With over 500,000 Android devices being activated everyday there is little doubt that Google’s mobile operating system will continue to be a giant contender in the field. So while in New York I popped into their offices to talk with Eric Obenzinger whoRead… Read more »

How Dirty is Your Data? Greenpeace Wants the Cloud to be Greener

My friends over at Greenpeace recently published an interesting report entitled “How dirty is your data? A Look at the Energy Choices That Power Cloud Computing.” For those who think that cloud computing is an environmentally friendly business, let’s just say… it’s not without its problems. What’s most interesting is the huge opportunity the cloudRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Recruitment 411: Tips & Tricks for Success from an IRS Recruiter

Today’s guest blogger is Reina Fregoso, the IRS recruiter for Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. She began her career with the IRS in 1980 and has been with the IRS Recruitment Office for four years. No matter what the job market looks like, it’s important to make sure you put your best foot forward. MyRead… Read more »

Residents online: opportunities for councils?

Rob Dale at LGIU blogs about some research being done in collaboration with Networked Neighbourhoods about the impact of online local community activity. You can take part: If you are a councillor, complete this survey. If you are an officer in local government, take this one. Should be interesting to see the results! Possibly relatedRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized


Gig.U to expand high-speed broadband in university towns

A group of 30 research universities nationwide are partnering together to help spread broadband to the areas around their campuses. The project is called Gig.U and will bring 1Gbps access to localities around each school. The group hopes that by providing this access they’ll be able to increase economic development and attract start-ups to theirRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Nominees Solicited for the 2011 Government Big Data Solutions Award

The amount of data being collected growing faster than humans can analyze. But fast analysis over the right data can solve tough challenges. Those facts are driving the continual pursuit of new solutions to Big Data challenges. Solutions to these Big Data issues hold the promise of helping many sectors of our life, but theRead… Read more »

Great Social Media Lessons from the DoD All Service Social Media Conference (DoDASSMC)

Today I had the chance to go to the Department of Defense All Service Social Media Conference (DODASSMC) at Georgetown University’s Clarendon Campus. If you are a community manager or interested in connecting with people running social media programs, you should for sure check out the group. Today there were four speakers, everyone did aRead… Read more »

Seven Steps To Guarantee Great Training Results

The practice does have its advantages. Can you actually guarantee training results? Can you? The simple answer is “Yes, you can.” Of course, if you aren’t very good, it’ll be a financial disaster–not to mention the people who lost the benefit of good training. Or, maybe you aren’t so bad, but the client is ruthlessRead… Read more »