Search Results for: cio

Gov’t Privacy News Summary – Jan 23 -31

My friend Fred puts together this awesome privacy news highlights and said I could cross-post… So here we go: Privacy News Highlights 23–31 January 2010 Contents: US – NH House Passes Bill Banning Fingerprint IDs. 3 CA – B.C. Names Acting Privacy Commissioner 3 CA – Privacy Commissioner Launches New Facebook Probe. 3 CA –Read… Read more »

Beltway VIPs Break Through Collaboration Barriers Within ‘Safe Haven’

Mount St. Mary’s University and Yakabod offer secure knowledge-sharing test drive FREDERICK, Md., Jan. 26 /PRNewswire/ — An unlikely mix of intelligence officers, Capitol Hill executives and students gets together 24/7 in a virtual community launched recently by the Delaney Center at Mount St. Mary’s University. The invitation-only network links bioterrorism experts, bodyguards, aerospace engineersRead… Read more »

The Governance Ladder

NB: This is just my thoughts at this stage and i have no evidence to support any of what i write. If you can contribute, challenge or even support what i say i would be grateful. I have recently been fascinated by what on face value can be seen as a boring subject – Governance.Read… Read more »

Press Kit

GovLoop’s mission is simple: connect government to improve government. We aim to inspire public sector professionals to better service by acting as the knowledge network for government. GovLoop serves a community of more than 300,000 government leaders by helping them to foster collaboration, learn from each other, solve problems and advance in their government careers.Read… Read more »

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Why Aren’t We Conducting the Census 2010 Online?

Have you seen this great interview with Census CIO Brian McGrath in Federal Computer Week? If you’re wondering why the Census is not incorporating more technology into its activities, the interview will respond to your questions and concerns. In particular, I had been curious to understand why we aren’t completing our Census forms via anRead… Read more »

WHAT and HOW We Say It Matters

How and when and where leaders communicate continues to be in the midst of transformation. It seems we’re always on the air in some way. Have you noticed? It is evolving as the whole landscape for leadership changes —involving all of us; stretching across cultures and many dimensions of difference at a breakneck speed. EachRead… Read more »

Step Back from the Brink

A recent PAIRS Foundation research report found that four out of five couples on the brink of divorce can transform their relationships by participating in brief, evidence-based marriage education classes led by qualified instructors. The PAIRS study offers ample cause for distressed couples to step back from the brink of marital breakdown to explore howRead… Read more »

Movie stars! Open Gov the Movie

“Open Gov the Movie” – from Delib from Delib on Vimeo. Pretty cool documentary by my buddy Chris Q of Delib – Here’s what he says below.. Check it out here: We’re launching the documentary today – on the year anniversary of President Obama issuing the Open Government memorandum, giving an insight into theRead… Read more »

When Social Location Sharing Meets Government Services

[Note: This is a cross post from my blog, the original can be found here.] I had the opportunity to do some thinking about the future of social media and government a month ago in Vancouver with some very smart people. One of the things that came up (mostly due to our geeky familiarity withRead… Read more »

What would Martin Luther King Jr. say about the Open Government Directive? Are we on the right path?

“I Have A Dream” The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. August 28, 1963 “I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day thisRead… Read more »