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When they take attendance in the digital career domain, can you say “present?” I can’t—yet. But, as we decide how to package our skills, knowledge and experience for a digital world, we can help each other get there. The traditional resume was on life support in the previous installment of this post. The inevitable willRead… Read more »

Presenting: Your Web Presence (Part 1 of 3)

The Resume isn’t Dead. But it will be. Get ready by grooming your web presence to get hired, promoted or re-branded in the era of resume decline. It’s time to explore strategies for assessing and improving your own digital footprint. A strategic, well-reasoned web presence is built around a hub; radiating from it are various kindsRead… Read more »


I want to give a shout-out to people who, over the last couple of months, have felt harried, desperate, confounded and fulfilled.  These are the “statetographers,” my new word for people who facilitate the annual expression of a leader’s internal vision to a wider audience.  Others might call you “speechwriters,” but your craft and callingRead… Read more »

It’s Time for Your Security Health Check

If you were feeling a little unsettled about possibly missing a list of “all-things cybersecurity products” offered on GovLoop’s “From Framework to Action: Understanding the NIST Cybersecurity Framework” online training yesterday, I’m here to tell you that it may be time for your security posture check-up. “The idea of security being a certification or aRead… Read more »

8 Emotional Intelligence Tips for Building an Inclusive Workplace

Colleen Stanley teaches emotional intelligence to sales professionals and has one of the best plain English definitions of emotional intelligence. What are you feeling, why are you feeling this emotion and how does it impact how you show up? Since interacting with others who are different from us is an emotional experience, emotional intelligence hasRead… Read more »

How Racism Begets More Racism

Amanda Blackhorse is a Diné American Indian and lives on the Navajo Nation in Arizona. She is the lead plaintiff in Blackhorse v. Pro-Football which challenges the trademark protection of the term “Washington Redskins.” She and four other plaintiffs won their case against the Washington football team in June 2014 when the Trademark Trial andRead… Read more »

A Year of Technology Trends and Innovations

When I think of the future of technological innovation and development, my mind first goes to artificial intelligence and robots. But technological innovation doesn’t have to be quite as grandiose, and digital innovation is present today. In terms of government, local, state and federal agencies are challenging their former risk-adverse natures and creating new innovationRead… Read more »

Cancelling a Contract: When All Else Fails

Cancelling a contract is a drastic step, but sometimes it has to be done. The agency has expended time and money with the vendor for a particular product and things just are not working out. Remedial steps of having regular status meetings with the vendor, amending the contract and making specific work plans to addressRead… Read more »

10 Tips for a Successful On-Site Review

I spent the majority of my federal career sitting in a cubicle, and these last few years I have ventured out on local travel as well as trips across the county.  I have an accounting background, and most of my reviews pertain to financial issues.  Since I work for the US Department of Housing andRead… Read more »