Search Results for: cio

Business and Government 2.0 does not require social media

I dislike the use of “2.0”, Social Anything, and other terms that are thrown around to vaguely indicate new ways of doing business. These words and terms do nothing but confuse the majority while leaving a few “experts” in a place to educate us all about how we’re doing it wrong. It was refreshing, however,Read… Read more »

“Best of Cloud Musings” – DHS EAGLE & First Source Digital Guide Launched

(First published 7/17/09) The Enterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading Edge Solutions (EAGLE) is a multiple-award indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle, specifically designed as the preferred source of information technology (IT) services for the majority of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) enterprise infrastructure and initiatives. According to Soraya Correa, Director of the DHS OfficeRead… Read more »

Open Government Directive Workshop Results in More Questions Than Answers…For Now

This post originally appeared on my external blog,“Social Media Strategery.” Yesterday, I, along with 250 other people representing three dozen agencies, contractors, and non-profits, attended the second Open Government Directive workshop held at the Department of Transportation. The workshop featured 10 Ignite-style presentations (awesome) by federal employees engaged in some form of open government, followedRead… Read more »

Premios en Mejores Practicas en Mejora de Calidad de Vida y Reducción de la Desigualdad y la Pobreza

Dos iniciativas que premian los esfuerzos de investigadores e instituciones en procura de mejoras a la calidad de vida y la reducción de la pobreza encontramos, la Primera convocada por la Asociación Civil El Agora; es el Premio Internacional de Dubai de Mejores Practicas para mejorar las Condiciones de Vida, el cual se celebra cadaRead… Read more »

Insourcing Debate Is About Strategy, Not Numbers

From The Acquisition Corner As the federal government continues to find ways to move contracted work back in-house, it must overcome some major obstacles. One area that has been significantly neglected is effective human capital planning. As a result, the government’s lack of in-house resources has increased its reliance on contractors to help it performRead… Read more »

FAA Soldiers on in Nationwide ATC Upgrade

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) might get the prize for having a mission that’s the simplest to state, but the most complex to implement: Keeping air transportation safe. You have to click two pages deep from FAA’s home page to find its brief mission statement: “Our continuing mission is to provide the safest, most efficientRead… Read more »

Is the Flagship of Transparency?

Hi Folks, Working on my next Government Computer News (GCN) “reality check” column and you can participate! What is your answer to the above question? and Why? Do you envision as the linchpin to the process or just another part of it? For to fulfill its promise (which is important in light ofRead… Read more »

Curso Introducción al Derecho de Acceso a la Información Pública

Este ano 2010 sera el de la consolidación de este importante movimiento del OpenGov, el espaldarazo que la administración Obama dio con la publicación del Open Government Iniciative a finales del 2009 sera un trampolín para este concepto que viene tomando cuerpo en las sociedades democráticas gracias al momento histórico que viven las tecnologías deRead… Read more »

GovLoop 2009 Virtual Trophy of Awesomeness

Lists are always hard and I hate excluding people. Especially as I’m forgetful and always miss someone who is really awesome. But as 2009 finishes up I wanted to thank the amazing people on GovLoop for their awesomeness in making GovLoop a thriving community. So I’ve announced the 2009 Virtual GovLoop Trophy of Awesomeness thankingRead… Read more »

How to Build a Powerful Twitter Community

I recently wrote about the vibrant Twitter community organized around the hashtagging of the airport code for Edmonton, AB (#yeg). The use of the regional tag to organize Edmonton community tweets began in summer of 2008, and has become so popular it now grows organically without much thought to its backstory. I’ve long argued thatRead… Read more »