Search Results for: Cloud

Applications for Good SF: “All Income Foods” App Wins!

Having only attended one other code-a-thon before in my life, in Washington D.C., last weekend’s Applications for Good competition gave me the opportunity to experience civic app development, West coast-style. Applications for Good Registration Table Moderated by Arthur Grau of One Economy, the event began with a round table introduction of everyone in attendance —Read… Read more »

Sustainable Facilites Tool from the GSA

Learn. Plan. Evaluate. Implement. Share. The GSA has a great green buildings tool called the Sustainable Facilities Tool. The tool walks you through the 5 steps listed above. With each step the interactive site helps you create a sustainable office space, and when you’re done you can share your project with other Sustainable Facilities ToolRead… Read more »

This big metal circular things with the ladders up the side

Otherwise known as silos. The things which contain grain and other mysterious substances which I was told to stay away from as a child roaming the fields surrounding our village freely – silos and slurry pits, the enemies of the right to roam. Leaving slurry pits aside (though there temptation to weave them into thisRead… Read more »

Open Data for Public Health: Bring DontEat.At to San Francisco

In a powerfully argued post at GovLoop back in January, Canadian open data advisor David Eaves offered a solution for saving millions in public health costs: create data standards around restaurant healthfulness inspection scores and incorporate them into consumer-oriented websites like Yelp and OpenTable. Last night on Gov 2.0 Radio, Allison Hornery of CivicTEC inRead… Read more »

The State of ICT in UAE: Three Key Advancements and How e-Government Can Leverage

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has just released its 10th anniversary edition of its well known report: Global Information Technology Report. As in the previous editions, this 2010/2011 version of the report has shed the light on the status of ICT infrastructure in more than 100 countries (138 in this report) including the United ArabRead… Read more » Monthly Tech Review

The Monthly Tech Review provides a recap of the hottest technology trends in industry and government. You can sign up using the form below. We appreciate our subscribers and will never sell your e-mail. Our newsletter production system gives you easy ways to put your subscription on hold or unsubscribe if you desire. PleaseRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Weekly Round-up: April 29, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Government Employees as Guides, not just Subjects. IBM Center author Ines Mergel argues in a blog post that ” constantly including practitioners into the research process and not only as subjects (i.e., interview partners), but as equal partners who guide the research, evaluate its feasibility and to keep the research grounded and unbiased.”Read… Read more »

Introducing the Government Big Data Newsletter

The Government Big Data Newsletter grew out of the first Government Big Data Forum. The newsletter is meant to contribute to dialog in-between our in-person meetings, and will supplement information that is provided here on our Big Data articles. The newsletter is being produced in both hardcopy and electronic versions. Our intent is toRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized


Wiki Government : Replicating the Peer to Patent portal

The Peer to Patent portal is a headline example of the potential of Open Government “in the Cloud”, and the first project that defined “Wiki Government”. It illustrates how Open Government is not just about more open reporting for people to passively look at, it’s actually about re-engineering the process itself, to deliver considerable efficiencyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


My memories from the Chernobyl disaster

Reports about the nuclear disaster in Japan bring back my memories from what I experienced 25 years ago. 25 years ago I lived in the city of Zhitomir, a city of 250.000 inhabitants, which lies west of the capital of Ukraine, Kiev. One more detail on the geographical location of Zhitomir: it is located aboutRead… Read more »