Search Results for: cio

Why IT Projects Fail

Jon Fullinwider, former CIO for the County of Los Angeles, blogs about why IT projects fail in this multi-part blog series. This entry addresses the “project plan” or lack of. An interesting article from someone with a lot of public sector IT experience.

My E-Government Wish List for Santa – Wish #1

This is a cross-post of: Dear Santa, This year, I‘m not asking for a new iPhone, a Spy Camera Video Watch or an Electrical Car (a real one!). Santa Art by Isabelle (6 years) This year, I’m asking for a better e-Government. The Obama administration has already made a huge progression with the OpenRead… Read more »

How-To: Write Post-Interview Thank-You

POST-INTERVIEW THANK-YOUS By Lily Whiteman, author of How to Land a Top-Paying Federal Job and Federal Times Columnist Question: What is the first thing you should do after you get home from a job interview (after you rip off your uncomfortable interview outfit but before you pour yourself a stiff, cold drink)? Answer: Write aRead… Read more »

Failure: The Most Important, Undiscussed Element of Gov 2.0

I just experienced an embarrassing failure. Or did I? This afternoon, I was scheduled to appear by Skype to speak on the topic of Gov 2.0 leadership. Two hours prior to the event, the onsite tech guy and I tested the connection and it worked perfectly. We could see and hear one another and theRead… Read more »

Gartner Identifies top 10 Issues

Kinda Dated (Oct 20, 2009), that is the disadvantage of receiving “monthly” newsletters, but I believe is still very relevant. Gartner Press Release Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2010 Analysts Examine Latest Industry Trends During Gartner Symposium/ITxpo, October 18-22, in Orlando ORLANDO, Fla., October 20, 2009 — ? Gartner, Inc. analysts todayRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0- Call it what you will. Labels, language, and the need for a compelling vision

It is emblematic of the times that nascent Gov 2.0 is without adequate descriptors readily accepted and simply described. This has less to do with the availability of labels than the fact that Gov 2.0 is a ship without a rudder— it still lacks a unifying theme and clearly articulated purpose behind the Gov 2.0Read… Read more »

How-To: Cut and Post Your Podcast in Pieces (for Free)

A few weeks ago, we featured the Armed With Science podcast as the GovLoop Project of the Week. Since I am located in Durham, NC, and the team was based in our nation’s capitol, I conducted the interview using Talkshoe, a web-based tool like BlogTalkRadio (the preferred podcast tool of ArmedWithScience and Gov 2.0 Radio).Read… Read more »

Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation

Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a natureRead… Read more »

Twethics & Twetiquette?

Although my next post was scheduled to be Collaborating for the Environment as the follow-up to Chronocentrism and Social Entropy?, there is one common theme about respect that I am hearing from the amazing people behind the many projects under evaluation to be added into the directory that I wanted to comment about. This themeRead… Read more »

CFC Announces Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton as 2009 Honorary Chair

We are pleased to announce that Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton is the 2009 honorary chair of the national Combined Federal Campaign. “In my prior work as First Lady and as Senator, and now as Secretary of State, I have seen communities on every continent bound by poverty, crippled by hunger, and plagued byRead… Read more »