Search Results for: cio

How to Create a Rockstar Open Government Leadership Team: Touch Points in Approaches Preferred by Internal Partners

In our first open government series we talked about how intermediate goals (which reside between the temptation to go straight to “cool tools” and the overall vision of “government as a platform”), are critical to focus on when developing an open government strategy for an Agency that will ultimately help them achieve their mission better.Read… Read more »

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The New UK Government IT Strategy – The First Glimpse

Here in the UK, the first sighting in public has emerged of the Government’s new overarching ‘UK Public Sector ICT Strategy’ due to be published next month. The strategy has been in development over the last year by the UK Government’s CIO Council (a central co-ordinating body modelled on the Federal CIO Council) and plansRead… Read more »

How to Energize Your Audience? Start by Wearing the Right Spectacles

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about what makes some social networking, or web 2.0 applications so pervasive resulting in the “tectonic shift” we are undergoing. The applications we are talking about here are ones that you get a craving to check in with – and see what has happened in the last couple ofRead… Read more »

It’s Time for a Citizen Services Summit!

Last week, I published my assessment of what’s happened in the past year to implement the Federal Web Manager Council’s White Paper: Putting Citizens First – Transforming Online Government. Since then, I’ve been thinking about what could kick-start real progress in implementing the vision of this paper…and a broader government-wide commitment to Citizen Services. SoRead… Read more »

GovReads! IT Budgeting and Decision Making: Maximizing Your Government’s Technology Investments

Phil Bertolini, Deputy County Executive/Chief Information Officer for Oakland County, Michigan, is a new member to GovLoop. Phil released a book in June 2009 called “IT Budgeting and Decision Making: Maximizing Your Government’s Technology Investments” that he co-edited with Shayne Kavanagh. Check out the brief interview with Phil about the book below: 1) What wasRead… Read more »

Military and Government Facebook Pages: Being there is not enough

Today a growing number of military units and government organizations have an official presence in social media and especially on Facebook. Unfortunately, it seems that most organizations just seem to think that being there is good enough. Their fan pages are nothing more than a place to push the same old news releases and selfRead… Read more »

The Business of Defense Business Transformation

No one in the Department of Defense owns “transformation.” The term is used freely by just about anyone who wishes to make a significant change in the Department. Changes attempted under the banner of “transformation” are as varied as the people who use the word. We assume that most “transformations” are attempts to make theRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 – We Need to Get Past the Honeymoon Stage of Our Relationship

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” I was in Las Vegas this week to participate in BlogWorld 2009 with some of the industry’s biggest big-wigs in social media. I really like going to conferences like this and next week’s Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco because they help me escapeRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative

In May of 2005, the Office of Management and Budget’s Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) released a memorandum to all Federal Chief Acquisition, Information and Financial Officers announcing the onset of a Strategic Sourcing initiative. The memo required all agencies identify no fewer than three commodities “that could be purchased more effectively and efficientlyRead… Read more »