Search Results for: research

Papaloi and Gouscos on E-Parliaments and Novel Parliament-to-Citizen Services

Aspasia Papaloi and Dr. Dimitris Gouscos, both of the University of Athens Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, have published E-Parliaments and Novel Parliament-to-Citizen services, JeDEM: Journal of eDemocracy and Open Government, 3(1), 80-98 (2011). Here is the abstract: In an era of citizens’ discontentment on democratic institutions, parliaments as a democratic cornerstone, are constantlyRead… Read more »

Day in the GovLife: Raymond Limon, Chief Human Capital Officer at CNCS

A Day In The GovLife is series that profiles people in interesting or unusual government jobs and gets the scoop on what it’s like to be in that role and how you can get there. Day In The GovLife Interviewee: Raymond Limon Job: Chief Human Capital Officer at the Corporation for National and Community ServiceRead… Read more »

Federal Mentoring Roundtable: Diversity, Leadership, Mentoring and You

Last week, I was excited to roll out GovLoop’s brand new, first-of-its-kind, government-wide mentoring program. In just one week, over 70 mentors have signed up! Thank you to everyone who’s signed up so far – and it’s not too late for more mentors to come on board. We’d love to have 150 mentors on theRead… Read more »

In Business as in Sport: Straight Sets of Training and Professional Development

Jason Novosel, Novo Horizons Management Training, our guest blogger gave me a quote this morning: “You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” (George Horace Lorimer). I thought this would be a good day to look south to my Australian colleague for his answers onRead… Read more »

The Evolution of Team Synergy: Transforming Parts into Partners

That the term “synergy” keeps showing up on my mental radar and calendar is not surprising. But yesterday, I experienced the “mother nature” variation. Meandering along the banks of the Chagrin River, 20 miles east of Cleveland, I stepped off the heavily wooded path at the confluence point of two streaming tributaries. Walking along aRead… Read more »

Krontiris on Mobile Justice

Kate Krontiris of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and the MIT Sloan School of Management — and a member of our community — has released two new posts on the topic of “mobile justice”: Mobile Justice in 500 Words, and On the Many Manifestations of “Mobile Justice,” on her tumblr. In the first post, Ms.Read… Read more »

Stepping It Up

When thinking about new areas for research or working on a new project there are a few factors that are worth considering. At the Make it Local event, Jon Kingsbury advised we should be looking into services that are shaped with people in mind, as this will mean gaining the maximum use from applied data.Read… Read more »

EEO/OFCCP Compliance: The Elephant in the Human Resource Department

Why are employers, HR Departments and recruiting software engineers so concerned with EEO/OFCCP compliance data? And why is everyone making such a big deal about it? They’ve done their research. They know that in 2009 the EEOC reported that 93,277 workplace discrimination charges were filed with the agency. That’s an average of nearly 256 claimsRead… Read more »

The Meaning of Accountability

The word “accountability” ranks right up there with “freedom,” “justice,” and “democracy” – words commonly used and thought to be understood by all. But that is wrong. It is a term that is complex and misunderstood, and subject to abuse in political discourse. But more importantly, because there is a lack of clarity, there areRead… Read more »

Top Ten Long-Term Trends of Cleantech in the United States

This article originally appeared on the Clean Techies blog and is “reprinted” with permission of the author. In the last decade, the United States have been continuing to decrease its dependence on fossil fuels by investing into clean technologies, including renewable energy and energy efficiency. Because of such, the United States has been able toRead… Read more »