Search Results for: Cloud

Keeping up with technology and tools

The pace of technology is exploding. It was a little more than 20 years ago when individual government workstations began receiving computers. I joined the Air Force in 1989. At the time, it was the communications squadron’s policy to ration personal computer to only two per office until it was able to give one toRead… Read more »

“Gentoring” ™: Barriers to Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide – Traditionals and Boomer ‘Hot Buttons’” – Part III

In the aftermath of a recent “Bridging Generational Communication” workshop with a major DC utility, I coined two new concepts – “Gentor” ™ and “Gentoring” ™. (My Webmaster frequently notes how Spell-check is not impressed by my wordsmith proclivities!) And a showcase essay, “Gentoring” ™: Building a New Mentoring Role for Bridging the Generational-Digital DivideRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Survey connects transparency and citizen satisfaction (03/01/2011) – PEW study finds open data creates a better relationship with government. Citizens who view their government as transparent are more satisfied with the overall government performance. Youth and the Internet (02/23/2011) – MacArthur study finds ways to build youth engagement with digital media. For many, spendingRead… Read more »

Top Ten Strategies For Managing A Virtual Workforce

Many of our clients are dealing with the challenges of managing the virtual workforce with colleagues spread out in different locations and multiple time zones. Since our inception 14 years ago, Strategic Partners has been managing a virtual workforce. What follows are 10 strategies that we have adopted to help our virtual workforce enhance theirRead… Read more »

Follow the Technology Money: Priorities from the 2012 IT Budget Proposal (and Beyond)

Good morning, Fellow GovLoopers! Dan Chenok posted his thoughts on the FY 2012 IT Budget on the Business of Government Blog. I thought I’d share the highlights here (though you really should read the whole thing!) As occurs each year, the President’s Budget Proposal includes a Chapter on IT spending – it’s in the “AnalyticalRead… Read more »

GovLaunch- Online Game for City Planners

City planners now have a cool new tool for optimizing management strategies with IBM’s free CityOne game simulation. Users are challenged use the game’s urban environment by meeting profitability and revenue goals, increasing customer and citizen satisfaction, and making overall improvements to the city. For example, one challenge is to deliver high-quality water in theRead… Read more »

You know it ain’t easy…

what the kids want We’ve just finished up another Local by Social, this time for the North East. We were hosted by Sunderland council at Southwick Community Primary School. We had an amazing range of speakers. We had some really cool ideas developed by parents of kids at the school beforehand – and the eventRead… Read more »

DCist Exposed Photography Show Returns March 15-16

image courtesy of DCist Exposed DCist Exposed is back! This fascinating photography show returns to the Long View Gallery from March 15 to 27, 2011. Out of over 1,000 individual entries, 43 winning images were selected by a panel of judges to be included in this year’s DCist Exposed exhibit. prides itself on engagingRead… Read more »

Free the Children and Open Government – Imagine the possibilities Everyone is talking about ‘Open Government’ but what exactly is Open Government? For me, it has to be more than government simply publishing public data, yes, we want to be able to scrutinize the data, and yes we want to see where the tax money is getting spent and yes, we want to knowRead… Read more »

Public Sector IT and the Winter at Valley Forge

One of the most well-known narratives of the American Revolutionary War is the harsh winter suffered by General George Washington and his colonial soldiers at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Troops were under-supplied, their uniforms were threadbare, and many suffered illness and disease from the brutal conditions. However, the American colonies generally were not starved for resources.Read… Read more »