Search Results for: cio

Government 2.0 #FAIL

Guest GovTwit Blog Post by Brian Drake Evolving a conversation we started back in September, I think are quickly arriving at a solution to the nagging feeling that we need to take the Intra-Government 2.0 movement to the next level. The Goverati are a small group of committed individuals. It’s not new news that theRead… Read more »

The LMX Theory

Have you noticed that managers often act differently toward their different employees? Do you sometimes see managers who have favorites? Well, if so, you are witnessing the workings of the LMX theory of leadership. The leader-member exchange (LMX) theory holds that leaders have two different types of relationships among their followers. In essence, leaders establishRead… Read more »

Managing the “Graying” of Municipal IT Staff

by Tim Verras, Sophicity The looming retirement of the Baby Boomer Generation is a concern on the horizon for municipal IT managers. Staff with decades of experience in the technologies and processes crucial to the municipality’s operations will be handing over positions to middle or entry level employees. The question for IT managers becomes: HowRead… Read more »

Committed NASA Techie Tries Out all the Latest Toys

If some people dabble in technology, Tom Soderstrom immerses himself in it. Whether new online services or promising new devices, he tries them, sees how they work, lets others try them and adds their reactions. For the past three years, Soderstrom has been bringing that technology enthusiasm to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), where heRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Ideas to Improve Federal Acquisition and the Better Buy Project

From The Acquisition Corner This week saw the launch of the Better Buy Project, a joint project of the National Academy of Public Administration and the American Council for Technology-Industry Advisory Council in conjunction with the General Services Administration. According to the website: …The acquisition process represents one of the most important areas of collaborationRead… Read more »

Where the Ideas Are

It’s the age-old question: how do businesses, individuals, and causes find new ways to solve new or lingering problems? Where do the best ideas emerge from? If things have been done a certain way for as long as can be remembered, how does one think about a problem/opportunity differently? I discovered some insight into howRead… Read more »

Just Take the Phone of the Hook

I suspect that by now you might consider me a pestiferous force of persuasive ideas and all. But for sure, since you couldn’t even hook me up with a job anywhere on the Hill (which would be way cool and would give me no doubt a better image in the minds of my conservative friends-Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Career

How do we harvest the most utility from our intellectual capital?

I try to understand things from the perspective of an alien scientist studying our planet. It just seems so bizarrely ironic that our greatest fear seems to be exploitation from someone else and how it shapes everything about us. It’s obvious why this is the case–we’re best described as creatures designed to outwit and exploitRead… Read more »

Mixing Up Some Awesome Sauce – GovLoop’s Sale to GovDelivery

By now you’ve most likely read the news stories and early blogs about GovDelivery’s acquisition of GovLoop, the government social networking site that has rapidly grown from zero to nearly 20,000 members in just over a year. GovLoop founder Steve Ressler broke the news on GovLoop via a blog post, and GovDelivery CEO Scott BurnsRead… Read more »

GovTwit Week in Review 9/21 – 9/27

So the highlight of my week in Gov 2.0 came last Thursday, when I had a chance to listen to and meet the crew of NASA’s STS-127 thanks to @NASA’s tweetup at the agency’s D.C. headquarters. The event drew nearly 20o participants from all over (including@argelialibertad who came all the way from Venezuela) who tookRead… Read more »