Search Results for: Cloud

Growing the Social Investment Market

The UK Cabinet Office white paper on Growing the Social Investment Market is indeed a visionary document, laying out a framework for how government will be re-engineered wholesale to make it more socially conscious and dynamic. This will institutionalize the ability for society as a whole to offer a much needed ‘Hand Up’ to thoseRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Roads less travelled, the pain involved & the reasons to persevere #gov20 #opengov #wiunion

Tweet The Road Less Travelled in Worth It! With my wife, I am constantly trying to raise two daughters to be prepared for life in a sometimes turbulent world. The daily conversations are primarily mundane (Spongebob or Disney), but from time to time, more often lately, the topics turn to deeper philosophy and how toRead… Read more »

Defining Total Cost of Ownership of Government Software – Part III: The “O”

Ownership. It’s a beautiful word in government. “Ownership” exudes control over technology in a sector where control is often hard to come by. There are always new laws, new elected officials, new mandates and new needs. While technology is often purchased to address these needs, sometimes the technology isn’t able to be controlled by theRead… Read more »

Greek Monks and Open Government #gov20 #opengov

Tweet Did the Greek Monks Destroy the Country or was it Lack of Government Transparency? Reviewing some of the older pieces on the true greek tragedy (in economic terms) and finally read through the whole of the great Vanity Fair article by Michael Lewis (“Beware of Greek s Bearing Bonds”). The detail in the articleRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 25, 2011 (Government Shut-Down Preview Edition)

Gadi Ben-Yehuda The Government Shutdown and You(Tube): Andrea Di Maio published a peice titled “What if Government 1.0 Shut Down? Government 2.0 May Have To As Well,” a great read, as is the comment by Doug Hadden. Also, NextGov points to one difference between the last government shut-down and this year’s potential shut-down in itsRead… Read more »

GovSec conference is March 29-31 2011

The folks organizing the GovSec 2011 Conference and Expo have just given me a code that will give you a 10% discount when you register for their event, and they would like me to share that with you. That’s nice of them isn’t it? I try to go to this conference every year. When I’mRead… Read more »

How to Help: Government 2.0 is too important to stop the fight #gov20 #opengov

Tweet Wisconsin Public sector Workers Fight for their collective bargaining rights I have been through some very interesting times as of late, the kind of things that make you think about who you are, what you fight for and your position in the order of things. I have absolutely incredible friends and family that helpRead… Read more »

The $1 Trillion Federal IT Challenge

An interesting article by John Foley in Information Week on Feb 15 … what do you think? Is this doable? The CEOs of IBM, Dell, and other tech companies say the U.S. government can reap huge savings from IT-driven initiatives, but their ambitious plan has virtually no chance of success. By John Foley, InformationWeek FebruaryRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Federal Cloud Computing Strategy (02/08/2011) – Designed as a guide to help agencies move to a cloud computing environment. Strategy defines cloud computing, outlines the decision framework for cloud migration, cites case examples and resources, offers strategies on leveraging cloud computing, and identifies government roles and responsibilities for driving cloud adoption. Top MobileRead… Read more »