Search Results for: research

Using LinkedIN in Local Government

Watch the Video Interview Angela Stubbs, Economic Development Officer at the City of Kingston.recently did an interview and a guest post on how they have been using LinkedIn. Angela has championed the use of LinkedIn at the City of Kingston and in this post she provides some insights into her experiences with LinkedIn as aRead… Read more »

Data Wizards Know Hadoop is Powerful: But they want more automation

Hadoop and the many capabilities associated with it (including Hive, Pig, HBase, Zookeeper, Flume, Sqoop, Hue, Oozie and Whirr) is really the rage. Enterprises with big data challenges, researchers with massive data sets and organizations seeking to make sense over seemingly unbounded data are learning how to use those many related technologies to solve problemsRead… Read more »

The question about WordPress as a Corporate CMS

It has been a couple of weeks since I attended #localgovcamp and it has taken that long for my brain to process all of the ideas and challenges that inevitably come up after spending such intensive time with so many passionate people. One of the sessions I went to was on WordPress and whether orRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. 2011 London Social Business Summit – Great content from this event. Introducing South West LocalGovCamp #swlocalgc « Carl’s Notepad – This should be a good one! ’100 million comments a year’ – mutual support and advice in a shrinking state – How government could beRead… Read more »

Using social media for non-traditional forms of scholarship

During the last year I was a frequent guest speaker at different University-wide lecture series to talk about my research findings but also my personal use of social media applications as a scholar. I reported about the diverse social media applications I have tested (and abandoned) in the classroom, but also provided insights into howRead… Read more »

How to Choose Recruiting Software to Ensure OFCCP Compliance

Starting May 2006, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) has been enforcing a monumental ruling that set specific regulations on the collection, storage and reporting of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) data for Internet applicants. It also defines Internet applicants, identifies electronic data collection methods, creates basic qualification standards and establishes record keeping requirementsRead… Read more »

Generation Y and Digital Participation: RIGP 2011

[Summary: Notes for a presentation on ‘Generation-Y’ and public services hosted by Institut de la Gestion Publique (Institute for Public Management), delivered on 27th June 2011, Paris] Below is a copy of the draft I wrote for a round-table discussion starter at today’s ‘Generation-Y and public services’ conference hosted at the Institut de la GestionRead… Read more »

Some really useful ideas for local data and a free event

This Friday Local DirectGov will be hosting the Really Useful Data event (1 July 2011) at the Department for Communities and Local Government in Central London. The event has just sold out – but you can still shape the day! UPDATE: A few additional tickets have JUST been made available. Sign up now. Or findRead… Read more »