Search Results for: Cloud

If you research asymmetric war, use the NCTC WITS system

The work of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) is important and, because of the need to protect our nation’s information sources and advantages over international terrorists, criminals and other malicious actors, is not discussed much in the open. But there are things you can learn about NCTC by review of reputable sources. The most importantRead… Read more »

Bookmarks for January 27th through February 19th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Big Society – if the price is right – Interesting views on Big Society from a blogging councillor within my local district. The impact of IT decisions on organizational culture – O’Reilly Radar – “It’s said that with great power comes great responsibility. Among businessRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Keeping Focus on Mission IT at ODNI CIO

I’ve previously written about some of the challenges of IT support in the national security space. Leaders have to balance competing mandates of mission support and security and have to do that in an environment constrained by resource limits and slowed by layers of oversight. One of the most challenging positions in the national securityRead… Read more »

How my Grandpa Stories Began

Meyer Moldeven (Greatgrandpa Mike) Here’s a true ‘grandpa’ anecdote that I wrote for my peers and added to my self-published collection several decades ago. It was well-received at the time and might still be considered appropriate among the elders that ‘are’ and ‘to be.’ During an exchange of reminiscences at a senior citizens group aRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 18, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda New for Govvies (especially Muni-Govvies): Krisy Fifelsky, the Web Services Manager for the City of Reno, Nevada, has overhauled her blog and added a video feature. Check it out! NASA and State Department in the Social Media Spotlight. Articles on Ragan and HuffPo hlighlight the work of these two federal agencies inRead… Read more »

States receive $241M to develop model health insurance exchanges

The US Department of Health & Human Services have moved forward with its “Early Innovator” grant program to develop model state health insurance exchanges. Six states and a group of New England states will receive $241 million to help them design and implement the IT infrastructure for insurance exchanges, HHS officials said Wednesday. Kansas, Maryland,Read… Read more »

Continued Evolution of DoD Cyber Policy

The deputy secretary of Defense, the Honorable William J. Lynn III, delivered remarks at the RSA conference that captures a snapshot of DoD cyber policies. This is consistent with the continually improving path the department has been on for the last several years. I recommend a good read of the remarks and hope you shareRead… Read more »

Obama’s FY 2012 Management Initiatives

Attention to the FY 2012 budget’s performance and management initiatives have been overwhelmed by the enormity of the proposed budget cuts by both the President and the Congress, and the resolution of the pending FY 2011 continuing resolution. For the most part, the management section of the budget, reflects a continued commitment to initiatives initiallyRead… Read more »

Why Doesn’t Your Business Have an App Yet?

My Crossfit gym posts the workout of the day every night but I have to open a browser and visit the website to see it. Why is there no app for that? There can be. My school email does not have settings that I can program into my phone’s mail accounts. Why is there noRead… Read more »

Small Parts from has set up a specialist part of its web site for industrial and lab supplies called There items ranging from Male Four Arm Knobs to Linear Actuators in the product index. Here is a list of the top 50 words in the index:<!– #htmltagcloud{ /****************************************** * CUSTOMIZE CLOUD CSS BELOW (optional) */ font-size:Read… Read more »

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Filed under: Tech