Search Results for: cio

IT for Municipalities of 100 thousand citizens or less in México (IN SPANISH – EN ESPAÑOL)

TIC para municipios de 100mil hab o menospubweb.pdf This presentation was writen and presented in the congress “Foro de innovación y modernización Gubernamental 2009” 10 y 11 de agosto 2009 Ciudad de México. Trata acerca de la situación de “TIC de los municipios de 100 mil habitantes o menos en México” y de los espejismosRead… Read more »

Gov 2 Summit – Macon Phillips

On stage with Macon Phillips, head of White House New Media What does President expect of you? 1 – Amplify the president’s message and bring to new spaces 2 – Open up government 3 – Opportunities for public to participate in their government Difference between Obama campaign and White House On campaign there were clearRead… Read more »

Social Media: Citizen Engagement or Gov’t Control?

@BareKnuckleDawg recently sent me the following concerns regarding government use of social media: I regard this “Gov 2.0 thing as the governments way of attempting to spy on the public while “sitting in their lap”, so to speak. The government wants to constantly monitor public sentiment – and I think you are all aiming forRead… Read more »

Fear the Google, don’t fear the Google

I came back from a break to the missed news that Google has settled out of court in its clash with US Publishers over its Google Books project. Looking over last Friday’s news coverage in the UK what immediately struck me as someone who has an interest in the story was the repetition that GoogleRead… Read more »

3-D Group Combat-Intervention at the Burning Out and Burning Up Battlefronts: Using Discussion-Drawing-Diversity to Disarm Conflict and Build Camaraderie-Community

Being a conference or retreat speaker and “Motivational Humorist” sounds like a lot of fun; and it usually is. However, sometimes you are asked to intervene with a group that’s under siege. At these times, the tension and acting out of frustration between management and employees or mistrust within the diverse employee ranks is palpableRead… Read more »

Computers need Security; People need Privacy

I have been meaning to write this piece for a while after some sessions with various teams working on how Government can make better use of technology to deliver their services to citizens. However the same principle comes up pretty rapidly in similar conversations in a lot of different industries as we try to comeRead… Read more »

Egov and employee support

From the Gartner blog It’s Time For E-Government and Government Employees To Get The Dignity They Deserve Author: Andrea DiMaio August 26th, 2009 Since when the term e-government was coined around the end of the nineties, it has almost inevitably referred to the use of Internet and other information technologies to transform the way governmentRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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MULTI-GENERATIONAL Leadership Qualities: The Power of Thinking Together

These are difficult times for leaders at every level in government, business and society across the world. We are all reinventing our visions of the future as we work to forge the new paths in an environment of crisis, challenge, and opportunity. We are also in need of re-evaluating everything about how we think, operate,Read… Read more »

My time in the wilderness

As you might know from my last post, I was scheduled to spend some time with the fine folks at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in Belgium these last few weeks. Due to the hotel situation, my lack of cell phone coverage, and the quirky copyright and IT policies at the NATO military headquarters,Read… Read more »

Opening Government Data – the San Francisco Way

The City of San Francisco recently unveiled a one-stop clearinghouse for all sorts of data generated and maintained by city agencies. Its an exciting first step in an effort that is high on the agenda of San Francisco CIO Chris Vein and Mayor Gavin Newsom – a tangible and visible commitment to open source technologies,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech