Search Results for: cio

David McClure: Longtime IT analyst and investigator to lead GSA citizen services unit by Gatham Nagesh, NextGov

A veteran information technology analyst and former Government Accountability Office official has been appointed to lead the General Services Administration office in charge of interacting with the American public, the agency announced on Tuesday. David McClure will take over as associate administrator of GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Communications on Aug. 24. The officeRead… Read more »

Technology of the Information in the Legislative of Fortaleza

Since 1997 the House uses the World Net of Computers–Internet for popularization of your Legislative works. Being used of simple resources and of low cost, we got to transmit the Sessions Plenary, live, guaranteeing to the citizen the possibility to accompany him/it day by day of your parliamentarian. I Begin it: In a change inRead… Read more »

Government 2.0 Taskforce Roadshow – Encouragingly Refreshing

I attended the first Government 2.0 Tasforce Roadshow held yesterday in Canberra at the Australian Bureau of Statistics in Belconnen. Whilst the agenda was published on the Taskforce web site I really did not know what to expect on the day. Given the format the event took it would have been more useful to bothRead… Read more »

Help Build GovTwit: Use New “Recommend” Button

The guys over at Floxee have added new functionality to make it easier for the Gov 2.0 community to add names to the GovTwit directory. Look for the new “Recommend Someone” button on the homepage. You can now click this button, add a Twitter ID and related tags and hit “recommend.” The entry will thenRead… Read more »

GovTwit Week in Review 8/09 – 8/15

An interesting thing happened over at the DoD’s web 2.0 Guidance Forum last week as the “use of web 2.0 by families” topic attracted well over 200 comments from wives, mothers, fathers, active servicemen and women about how critical the new tools are to keep in touch. Craig Newmark blogged about it, including pulling outRead… Read more »

Member of Week: Lovisa Williams, Department of State

LOVISA WILLIAMS: GOVLOOP MEMBER OF THE WEEK (and general rockstar) By Andy Krzmarzick Few people in the Government 2.0 space are focusing on the international aspects of social media, such as what we can learn from other countries that are implementing and how it can be used to bridge geographical and cultural divides. Enter LovisaRead… Read more »

Bureaucracy 2.0 – make sure your team is ready to stand and deliver

I have long subscribed to the belief that our initiatives in the online communication world will eventually change the way the government functions. From our internal capacity to support a robust online environment to providing public servants with the general understanding and toolkit of web tools that can make them more effective, more than anyRead… Read more »

Nerdism Gone Wild

This morning I read one of Casey Coleman’s recent blogs called “Innovation Happens.” She poses the questions: Have you ever wondered how and when innovation happens? Can managers demand it? Can we put it in our project plans? Can we just re-prioritize it when we get too busy? Is innovation, much like creativity, neither intentionalRead… Read more »

The Dynamics of Creative Leadership-Partnership: Forces and Concepts for Transforming Change and Conflict into Creativity and Community

What does it take to be a creative leader? I definitely have been giving this some thought, developing and increasingly applying three programs in the past two years:  “Transforming Change and Conflict into ‘Passion Power’: The Art of Inspiring Leadership”  “Does Your Organization Need a Jolt of CPR – Generating Creativity, Passion andRead… Read more »

From my friend David Axelrod and the White House

From my friend David Axelrod and the White House by Donna L. Quesinberry, Government Business Examiner Dear Friend, This is probably one of the longest emails I’ve ever sent, but it could be the most important. Across the country we are seeing vigorous debate about health insurance reform. Unfortunately, some of the old tactics weRead… Read more »