Search Results for: Employee Recognition

I Got Furlough Fever, and the Only Prescription is….

More cowbell !! No, not really. Look, there’s a lot of emotion in the Federal employee community right now. We want to protest (WP: Fed workers protest shutdown). We have a million questions (GovLoop: Ask About the Shutdown). We want to get practical (GovLoop: Preshutdown Top 10 ToDo List).  We’re thinking ahead (GovLoop: WhatRead… Read more »

Public Servant Day at the Washington Nationals

The Partnership for Public Service, the Public Employees Roundtable and GEICO are hosting “Public Servant Day” at the Washington Nationals on Sunday, May 1 during a 1:35 p.m. game against the 2010 World Series Champions, the San Francisco Giants. The event is part of Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW), an annual celebration of the menRead… Read more »

Starting a “Gentoring” ™Program: Gen X-Y Barriers to Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide

Starting a “Gentoring” ™Program: Barriers to Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide – Gen Xers and Millennial “Hot Buttons” In the first two segments of my Gentoring essay, a) the concepts of Gentor ™ and Gentoring ™ were introduced (“Gentoring” ™: Building a New Mentoring Role for Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide or “Don’t Be Afraid to PetRead… Read more »

Public Service Video Contest

The Partnership for Public Service has launched a video contest as part of Public Service Recognition Week! The Challenge: Create a short video depicting the value of government employees and/or what our nation would look like without them. We want contestants, over the age of 18, to consider the vital services performed by government employeesRead… Read more »

Public Affairs Cuts in the DoD Budget Efficiencies Memo (UPDATED)

The long awaited budget cutting efficiencies promised by Secretary of Defense Gates were outlined in a decision memo signed on Monday, 14 March, 2011 and now making its way around the Pentagon much to the chagrin of many in the building. I did a quick pull of the specific hits in the public affairs andRead… Read more »

Blogging Series 10 Ways Open Innovation Can Transform Your Agency (Week 4)

Blogging Series 10 Ways Open Innovation Can Transform Your Agency (Week 4) Last time I discussed how open innovation can increase transparency in agency governance, now it’s time for Week 4! Open innovation can transform your agency by boosting employee morale and engagement. Background: Traditionally, front-line government employees have very little influence over changing anRead… Read more »

SXSW for the #Gov20 Crowd: Interesting Lessons and Takeaways So Far

In the spirit of sharing what I learned at this year’s South by Southwest Interactive (#SXSWi) Festival in Austin I’ve posted my notes from a few of the interesting sessions that I was able to attend. I live posted these over the course of the event to allow folks to share in the learning thatRead… Read more »

Think Holistic, Act Personal

Wanted to share a cool post by Luis Gallardo, Managing Director, Global Brand & Marketing at Deloitte. Touches on thinking holistically and acting personally (versus Think Global, Act Local) to help businesses succeed in today’s global economy. Check out the original post on the Deloitte Perspectives Blog. March 15, 2011 By Luis Gallardo: Think Global,Read… Read more »

Success Rule #16 – Give Thanks

A recent study indicates 48% of employees feel underappreciated for the work they do. Considering you couldn’t have success without the help of others, this IS one “Golden Rule” you may want to consider embracing. Like a lot of Leader Development Institute’s Rules and Tools for Success, This one applies just as much at homeRead… Read more »

Success Rule #15 – Be Proactive

Plan ahead; anticipate the unexpected, take steps to prevent problems before they occur. Success at work, home, or at school is not living in crisis. Even firefighters only spend 3 to 5 percent of their time fighting fires. Instead spend more of your time doing things that are important – value added – when they’reRead… Read more »