Search Results for: Cloud

How To Government Web Site

“” is a new website from the US General Services Administration for government staff on how to communicate online with Web Content, Social Media, Contact Centers (call centers), and Technical Solutions (Cloud computing, mobiles, apps…). This is similar to the guidance which the Austrlaian Government Information Management Office provides on topics such as Web Publishing.TheRead… Read more »

USBE&IT Winter Issue Focuses on Cyber Security

Thank You USBE&IT Publisher Mr Tyrone Taborn for such an inspiring issue and my sincere appreciation to Mr. Frank McCoy for my inclusion in his list of Cyber visionaries! The Homeland Security, Government and Defense Edition of US Black Engineer Information Technology inspires as much as it informs. An awesome publication, from the interview withRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Weekly Round-up: January 20, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Last week I linked to an article arguing that crowdsourcing was broken. Here’s one showing how New York is trying to implement it through a program called “Give a Minute.” Twitter and blogging are helping children’s services in the UK. Examples like these should be making it easier to justify the time governmentRead… Read more »

January 14 Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Taking Social Media from Talk to Action (2010) – Harvard Business Review study of 2,100 companies finds organizations that understand the value of social media and use analytics: are twice as likely to view their use of social media as effective; can more quickly respond to customer trends and issues; and, have a betterRead… Read more »

Expand the Conversation on Learning Technology Standards

Last week, Ben Clark (Rustici Software) and I participated with a few hundred people on #lrnchat, a weekly, international online chat about learning as a profession and a practice. Every week a series of questions is asked around a different topic, and this last week we contributed to the topic of “learning technology standards.” TheRead… Read more »

How Can I Convince My Colleagues to NOT Leave Their Jobs?

That question – “How can I convince my colleagues to stick around?” – -was posed by an audience member at an event that I attended this morning which launched a new report called “Keeping Talent: Strategies for Retaining Valued Federal Employees.” The report was produced by the Partnership for Public Service and Booz Allen Hamilton,Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up January 14, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda The New York Times reports that our current privacy laws are being obsolesced by the web. Along those lines, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has launched a site that details administration’s plans for trusted online identities. Everyone loves talking about the weather. Now NOAA helps us visualize it. And ifRead… Read more »

Sustainable change must be driven from the top

Govloop, one of the most important networks focused on open government, has a great discussion thread taking place focused on the question of Who Should be the Next U.S Deputy CTO? Read it as there are many great conversations taking place about open government as a whole, not just on who should fill this criticalRead… Read more »