Search Results for: cio

Trends, not platforms

This post originally appeared on my blog, Talking Salmons. Ok. Today I will hash out the “trends versus platforms” speech. It’s something I speak to quite often. Hopefully we can increase awareness and keep ourselves from being wrapped around the axle on certain things. I feel that too often we become tangled up in argumentsRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0: The Promise of Innovation

Republished from Column by Tim O’Reilly Original post can be found here Over the past 15 years, the World Wide Web has created remarkable new business models reshaping our economy. As the Web has undermined old media and software companies, it has demonstrated the enormous power of a new model, often referred toRead… Read more »

GovTwit Week in Review: 8/02 – 8/08

Interesting Gov 2.0 tweets and stories from August 2-8, 2009 Gov20Radio discussed the challenges of turning from strict hierarchies to collaborative culture with Gwynne Kostin, a federal new media practitioner at DHS and publisher of the blog “On Dot-Gov.” Listen here. ~~~~~~~ Last week, Wired’s Danger Room reported that the U.S. DoD is considering banningRead… Read more »

Koobface returns! Quick, ban all social media!

This post was originally posted on my blog, Talking Salmons. Link to Mashable story. So, looks like Koobface is back. They’ve added some twists to the virus that made headlines last month. Viruses are the most frequent reason policy makers cite when moving to ban social media in the military workplace. However, I wanted toRead… Read more »

TWP: At a Loss for Words: The Day Facebook, Twitter Crashed

Washington Post Staff Writer Monica Hess Friday, August 7, 2009 What happened Thursday, in 140 characters: Twitter went down. Facebook went down. People panicked, unused to not oversharing minutiae of life. Twitter back up. Facebook back up. Phew. At 9 a.m., millions of users of found themselves unable to access the microblogging Web site,Read… Read more »

Why Social Media Matters to the Next Generation of Government Leaders

Originally published as part of the FEDManager’s “Ask Young Government Leaders” series. @govloop: “The arbiters of cool are about to hit the stage.” #ogi In less than 140 characters, @GovLoop – also known as Steve Ressler, co-founder of Young Government Leaders (YGL) and creator of the “Facebook for Government” – used Twitter to announce theRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of Week – Helio Leite Teixeira

I was pretty excited when Helio Leite Teixeira joined GovLoop. I’m always interested to see how Gov 2.0 is being used in other countries and he sounded like he was doing great work with his blog and at his Commission. Helio graciously took the time out to answer a few questions for GovLoop Member ofRead… Read more »

GovTwit Week in Review: 7/26 – 8/01

Interesting Gov 2.0 tweets and stories from July 26 – August 1st, 2009 The week got off to a fun start when an alleged White House employee dubbing themselves the “realtweetthroat” contacted @GovFresh to blow the lid off of Twittergate, poking fun at the fact that the microblogging service was reported to be blocked atRead… Read more »

Three Focal Points of Open Government

***See the original post at*** Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Open Government and Innovations Conference in Washington, DC. The two-day conference was a fantastic opportunity to hear some of the leaders in open government thinking, including: Aneesh Chopra, Federal CTO – “The Innovation Imperative“ Vivek Kundra, Federal CIO – “TownRead… Read more »

Redoing a website in 6 weeks… NEED your input!

Hi guys – I’ve been away for a while due to a new little project I’ve immersed myself in… while we have kept putting off the need to redo our website as we focused on delivering really challenging projects for the past few years (Abu Dhabi permits portal, Houston migrated off a mainframe in 90Read… Read more »