Search Results for: Cloud

Weekly Round-up: January 07, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda True to the spirit of Janus, from whom January gets its name, Alex Howard takes a look backward and forward in his GovFresh article, “Defining Gov 2.0 and Open Government.” For those resolving to become more active on social media in constructive ways (say, because you read Cognitive Surplus and want to engageRead… Read more »

For a View of 2011, Watch These People

FedinsiderTrying to change the government is like running up a hill that gradually gets steeper. The going gets more difficult and eventually you tire out. Two years since President Obama was inaugurated, his team managing the government itself has been stable. And it enters 2011 still having pretty good momentum. The one big change wasRead… Read more »

Best of 2010: 15 Fabulous Events

So as my frequent flier points show, I went to a lot of conferences this year, speaking on a ton of great panels and even keynoting in front of 1,000 people (that’s insane). In fact, the whole GovLoop team did…as Community Manager Andy K. did a ton of traveling himself and Megan coordinated over aRead… Read more »

Department of the Interior is Leading the Way in Redefining the Role of the Department CIO

Too often we hear stories about how the Federal government, for one reason or another, lacks technological capabilities that are commonplace in the private sector and our everyday lives. For example, when this Administration first came into office employees at the Department of the Interior couldn’t even send a department-wide message due to its siloedRead… Read more »

The Stress Doc’s “Top Ten Commandments” for Transforming Reorganizational Crisis: Generating the Four “R”s – Relief and Reflection, Rejuvenation and Recommitment – Part II

Based on work with a variety of organizational and corporate clients, Part I outlined three necessary transition stress interventions for engaging an angry and anxious audience caught in a rough and rocky reorganizational sea change. (Email [email protected] if you missed Part I.) The foundational interventions were: 1) “Bring Your Inner Clint Eastwood,” 2) “Warm UpRead… Read more »

Google’s ChromeOS means losing control of data, warns GNU founder Richard Stallman

New cloud computing OS released by Google is plan to push people into ‘careless computing’, warns free software advocate Google’s new cloud computing ChromeOS looks like a plan “to push people into careless computing” by forcing them to store their data in the cloud rather than on machines directly under their control, warns Richard Stallman,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research OMB plans transformational IT reform (12/09/2010) – 25-point plan requires all major technology programs have a dedicated, full-time, experienced program manager. Plan also includes closing 800 data centers by using cloud technology, and making it easier for the federal government to work with start-ups. Australia releases Gov 2.0 primer (12/2010) – How-to guideRead… Read more »

The Social Security Administration asks for feedback on its Agency Strategy Plan, the Department of Defense supports plain language, the Department of Agriculture heads for the cloud, and federal agencies get kudos for their social media endeavors, all in this week’s chilly edition of the Gov2.0 Roundup. —Every citizen has a vested interest in theRead… Read more »

Saving Money on Government IT (From

Posted by Vivek Kundra on December 10, 2010 at 04:03 PM EST For too long, many government IT projects cost hundreds of millions of dollars more than they should, took years longer than necessary to deploy, and delivered technologies that were obsolete by the time they were completed. This summer we took a hard lookRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: December 10, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Vivek Kundra proposes a slew of IT reforms for the federal government aimed at lowering operating costs while boosting productivity. As if on cue, the USDA has consolidated its email systems (as GSA did last week), and moved to the cloud. The future of citizen participation starts with ExpertNet. Federal CTO Aneesh ChopraRead… Read more »