Search Results for: cio

Open Source for America: A resource for the Gov2.0 CTO and other IT decison makers

With this post I’d like to tell you a bit more about the coalition Open Source for America and why I believe it is so important for our collective future. I would also like to encourage you to join this coalition yourself. Whether you represent industry, academia, non-profit organizations or are an individual technologist thisRead… Read more »

Combat Strategies at the Burnout Battlefront

Today’s world is 24/7, wired and always on and often cycling between upgrading and reorganizing–if not outsourcing and downsizing. And as company mantras become “do more with less,” it’s no surprise that more and more people are struggling with job stress and burnout. By Mark Gorkin, The Stress Doc ™, LICSW Burnout: The Erosive SpiralRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.18.2009

Good Afternoon! Today we had a lot of cross-posting and RT’s, so once all the duplication was removed we have a very short Tweet summary. It’s a beautiful day. Use the extra time to get outside and enjoy it. And that’s the way it was, July 18, 2009, Caroline Twitter @WiiPigSooie Blog WiiPigSooie With greatestRead… Read more »

Colombia Free Trade Agreement: Still Treading Water

Timing is everything, and I wonder how much more water the pending free trade agreement (FTA) between Colombia and the US must tread before its ratification by the US congress. And today’s political waters are shark-infested, indeed. Signed and ratified just before Thanksgiving 2006, as reported in Wall Street Journal, the FTA yet remains aRead… Read more »

Transforming Conflict: Replacing Blaming “You”s with Tactfully Assertive “I”s

During a Practice Safe Stress and Team Building workshop for legal assistants and support staff of a major law firm, a paralegal, with an edge in his voice, recalled a frustrating encounter with one of the firm’s partners. Apparently, misinformation or a misunderstanding led to a project being mishandled and an important deadline being missed.Read… Read more »

Are Federal Acquisition Practices Accelerating the Move of Government Computing to the Cloud?

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Jason Miller’s report Kundra says government’s approach to consolidation has been ill-suited includes this statement by Vivek Kundra, Federal Chief Information Officer: “I’ve talked to CIOs, buyers, business unit leaders across the government, and one of the biggest challenges is that if they want to provision services they have toRead… Read more »

Discovering Your Passion through Humble Practice and Outrageous Play

A playful challenge from an audience member helps bring to life the importance of searching for and developing your passion, whether in the face of skepticism, long periods of self-doubt and/or having to accept (even better, learn to play with and laugh at) your own flaws and foibles. Setting the stage for the dramatic closeRead… Read more »

Confronting Prejudicial Comments in the Workplace

The same day that the right wing terrorist invaded the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC and killed a security guard, my girl friend encountered a much more prosaic form of anti-Semitism. And while her experience was not in any way life-threatening, nonetheless her casual if not commonplace encounter merits documentation and its expression deserves confrontation.Read… Read more »

The Four “R”s for a PROductive Relationship: Be Respectful, Real, Responsible and Responsive

The Four “R”s for a PROductive Relationship: The Stress Doc presents a four step, “Four ‘R’” communicational guide for building successful “give and take” professional relationships. The Four “R”s are dramatically illustrated in his recent encounter with an ENT surgeon. Many of us “Boomers” grew up with an alliterative academic mantra as educational foundation, thatRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – NYC Gov 2.0 Tech Forum (#nycgovtech)

The NYC Gov 2.0 Tech Forum was held on July 9, 2009, from 3 p.m. – 7 p.m. at the Digital Sandbox Network Event Center at 55 Broad Street, New York City Event Overview: * Learn about the City’s evolving use of technology and how your company can provide innovative IT solutions to improve publicRead… Read more »