Search Results for: Cloud

Toward an Open Data Maturity Model

Last week was an exciting week in the world of open data. In the US, we held our first International Open Government Data Conference, and in London, there was Open Government Data Camp. Meanwhile, there was some discussion around data journalism at Public Media Camp, and “big data” was a topic of discussion at theRead… Read more »

Live Chat 12/2: Panama City Using Google Tech to Open Gov for Citizens.

The City of Panama City, Florida has become a leader in promoting open government but how? Citizens of Panama City don’t even have to go to city hall to attend city meetings. Using Google city network administrator Richard Ferrick has made Panama City a shining example of open gov’t. Using Google the the city uploadsRead… Read more »

Calling Citizen Developers – Opportunity to make a difference!

Calling all citizen developers who may be interested in some pro bono geektastic work. The Council of the District of Columbia is looking for a few good geeks and geekets to do a pilot citizen engagement app to use within the council member’s office. The idea is to leverage open source hosted platforms or cloudRead… Read more »

Free Drupal4Gov Coding Sprint/Exercise/ Training November 23rd in DC

I’ve been organizing this amazing group of government open source practitioners. Mostly, it’s Drupal, but we do have some plone and joomla folks as well. We have gotten together for show and tells and in September, we held our first coding sprint. At the end of the sprint, we built an open atrium site weRead… Read more »

Will Federal Budget Pressures Help or Hinder Adoption of Collaboration & Social Networking Applications?

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Last year I published Are Federal Acquisition Practices Accelerating the Move of Government Computing to the Cloud? I wondered then if complexities in cumbersome government acquisition processes might have the unintended consequence of stimulating a move to “cloud computing” and a resulting shift in both IT infrastructure and application architectures.Read… Read more »

Putting Virtual “Boots on the Ground” – Law Enforcement Gets Intelligence on Demand

The blog entry below contains excerpts from ‘Putting Virtual “Boots on the Ground” – Law Enforcement Gets Intelligence on Demand,’ originally written by Caron Beesley, editor of [acronym] Online. [acronym] Online is a blog dedicated to those in the public sector working within the 2D and 3D digital design, GIS, architecture and engineering disciplines. AsRead… Read more »


I am working on an e-Government workshop for the University of Illinois at Chicago. I would like to feature examples of smaller communities that have converted to the cloud. Can you point me to any?

GovInsights: Do You Have a “Duty to Die”?

This interview marks the third of a brand new series on GovLoop called “GovInsights” where we are interviewing and highlighting the thoughts and perspectives of professors at colleges and universities who are teaching, researching and writing about government issues. This time, we talked to Dr. James Keagle, Director of the Transforming National Security at theRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: November 5, 2010

Here’s what the Center for the Business of Government found interesting this week: Gadi Ben-Yehuda FedSpace, the social media site for federal employees and contractors, is running a pilot program, reports Federal Computer Week. Adam Sharp will be Twitter’s first DC-based employee. As promised, I say: welcome to the party, but don’t get comfortable. HereRead… Read more »