Search Results for: cio

Sweet GovTweets 06.25.2009

Yes, 06.25.2009 … I am running a bit behind. What with Farrah and Michael and Cap and Trade … what’s a girl to do? Oh, and I have a suggestion for our next GovLoop Project of the Week: Design a comprehensive, fool-proof way to rid my roses of Japanese Beetles … I can not tellRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Social Media Strategies for DoD and Government (#idga)

Social Media Strategies for DoD and Government held June 23-25, 2009 at the Hilton McClean Tyson’s Corner (IDGA = Institute for Defense and Government Advancement) Here are the Twitter-related stats for this conference followed by the Twitter stream: * 765 tweets * 49 contributors * 109.3 tweets per day * 86.8% come from “The TopRead… Read more »

Scotlland Web2 activity – update

Hello everyone James Purser wrote a great update about an event in Australia. I was moved to write about ScotWeb2 which I organised on Friday June 19th. We blog here This was ScotWeb2’s second gathering. We are only 5,000,000 people so to get 60 of them into a room in mid-June is fantastis. However, unlikeRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.24.2009

Good evening! Today’s Tweet stream is about a quarter of the one yesterday, but very interesting. Enjoy. Cordially, Caroline Twitter @WiiPigSooie Blog WiiPigSooie opencode: Open Source #opensource: Hotel WiFi Disservice… (expand ) 2 minutes ago from web • Reply • View Tweet lhawthorn: Heading for a drink with @msurman to plot world domination ofRead… Read more »

Why Government Needs to Participate in Social Media

By Leonard Sipes Created for FedPitch 2009 ( FedPitch seeks to create new and innovative ideas to improve federal service. Final two minute presentation created from this paper. There are few times in world history when we witness a fundamental shift in how people move through society. Well, we are witnessing major change right now.Read… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.23.2009

Good evening, I have been working on this summary on and off all day …can we say l.o.q.u.a.c.i.o.u.s.? I had to cut out the posts that were Word – For – Word tweets of conferences. I believe Pam is going to look at posting these; but as for Sweet GovTweets …if you are posting 60Read… Read more »

Mastering the Art of ‘Capture’

When my phone rings, and a potential client calls, about 90% of the time the story is the same: we’ve got a Request for Proposal (RFP) in and we need you to help us immediately. I say – great, would be happy to help you. By the way, have you done any capture? I hearRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.22.2009

Greetings! Today lots of tweet action around the privacy conference going on right now, and Australia appointing a Gov 2.0 Task Force. Cordially, Caroline @WiiPigSooie Blog WiiPigSooie greensandbox: New post on unbundling governance, with the right slidedeck url (! ) #gov20 #vcc09 #vanchangecamp (expand ) 6 minutes ago from TweetDeck • Reply • ViewRead… Read more »

Poor Acquisition Outcomes Can Also Happen With The Government Acting As The Contractor

In light of all the focus recently on federal acquisition reform, one of the agencies with the most problems is the Department of Veterans Affairs. The VA is a case study on what the failed policies of the past in regards to workforce development have done to the present difficulties with completing the acquisition missionRead… Read more »

Culture Change for Government 2.0

The text and slides below are for my session at Public Sphere #2 – Government 2.0: Policy and Practice which is being held at Parliament House tomorrow. The talk is just 10 minutes long, so I don’t go into any real depth – but it is a nice, quick overview. For something organised quickly andRead… Read more »