Search Results for: Cloud

The Molehill Business

The other day I sat through seven presentations. That’s about ten hours. The sales guys uniformly wanted to drape their presentation around their process. The better presentations focused on providing cool nuggets of immediate value. The boring presentations all featured The One Right Way. The better presentations let me pick and choose. And after lookingRead… Read more »

Your 75 Accomplishments

This is all about YOU! You are an accomplished person. You have done some pretty amazing things in your life. There are individuals who know and respect you. Others who have benefited from your wisdom and/or labor. You are a valuable member of the community and of society. AND you are in transition. The latterRead… Read more »

Open source and government

Another post I have been sat on and chewing over for a little while… Charles Arthur in the Guardian highlighted an interesting area of discussion in the use of open source in government a little while ago. He reports on the views of Liam Maxwell, the councillor responsible for IT policy at the Royal BoroughRead… Read more »

Forum wrap: Social media – maximising opportunities and minimising risks

The Victorian Managed Insurance Authority held a successful forum for the Victorian Public Sector on the maximising the opportunities and minimising the risks of social media. Attended by 200 people, the forum featured three speakers:• Kathy Phelan – Director, Small World Social Media• Greg Daniel – Executive Chairman, SR7• Maria Katsonis – Principal Advisor PublicRead… Read more »

GL Training – Social Media – Why It Matters & How To Do It

**Register for GovLoop Training – Social Media – Why It Matters & How to Do It** Fortunately this year, I’ve gotten the chance to speak at a lot of conferences from federal to state/local government, from U.S to Canada, from HR to IT to Security conferences. Since GovLoop is a social network, most people wantRead… Read more »

The New SECTOR: PUBLIC – Smart Opinion On Tech, Innovation, and Public Good

Yesterday during the / UN Foundation “Social Good Summit” in New York, I launched something I’ve been working on for a while behind the scenes at Microsoft’s public sector division. It’s a new website (geeks: WordPress running on Windows Server… and eventually Windows Azure cloud) called SECTOR: PUBLIC. (Get it? Like Mission: Impossible? Hey,Read… Read more »

Microsoft Releases Grants360 Solution Accelerator

On September 20, 2010 Microsoft released Grants360, a solution accelerator for grantee organizations. InfoStrat and its partner TrueTandem developed the solution to provide end-to-end management of the grant process, from soliciting applications to review, award, and post award tracking. Grants360 (databasheet) is build using Microsoft Dynamics CRM for the management module and Microsoft Azure forRead… Read more »

Army Embraces Commercial Technology, Enables Mobile Workforce

Defense agencies today are faced with an ever-increasing challenge to cut cost while maintaining or even increasing productivity. In today’s Federal workplace, vast numbers of employees are supported by extensive local area networks that require constant maintenance and periodic upgrades. Collectively, servers and workstations are expensive to maintain and secure. The Department of Defense needsRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Is Not Cool Tech

I’m generally fond of cool tech. I recently bought an iPad, and it’s pretty sweet. I read Wired’s big cover piece on tablet computing, and I agree it has transformational potential. I’ve got a touchscreen desktop, too, and I know of a local school using touchscreens to great effect in special needs education. I loveRead… Read more »

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Finally, A Name!

The Obama management agenda finally has a name: the Accountable Government Initiative. In a memo from President Obama to the 7,000 members of the senior executive service, he highlights six initiatives and their progress to date. He also says: “I have tasked our Chief Performance Officer, Jeff Zients, with leading the Accountable Government Initiative,. .Read… Read more »