Search Results for: research

Will Synthetic Trees Remove CO2 in the Future?

Researchers at Columbia University have developed an artificial tree. Why would we want artificial trees? Well, these trees can absorb CO2 about 1,000 times faster than natural trees, and will store it in its “leaves” until it is processed. Of course this prompts the question, “what’s the correct level of CO2 for the atmosphere?” ButRead… Read more »

Hadoop for Bioinformatics

Bioinformatics is the application of computer science in the form of statistics and analytics to molecular biology. This exciting field is bringing about great breakthroughs, especially in genetics, where computers and algorithms are being used to map genomes. Advances in this field show promise in helping us understand life and advance science. The field isRead… Read more »

Green Facilities Renovations Beneift Walter Reed, Other Federal Buildings

Federal Times recently published an article that highlights a few nice examples of green building public-private partnerships. A few of the examples include: HVAC renovations at 32 California military commissaries replacing taxiway lights with LEDs at NASA’s Ames Research Center HVAC, system automation, solar installations, and weatherization improvements at 39 GSA-owned facilities in Texas, ArkansasRead… Read more »

Puffy Pillows & Community Policing

I’ve been thinking about public sector innovation and how many times we re-invent the wheel and spend the same dollar over and over again. The following metaphor comes to mind: Imagine a big puffy down pillow. You push your fist into the pillow. As long as you keep your fist in place, the new shapeRead… Read more »

Foreclosure: Recovery

FORECLOSURE GOD’S STYLE Do you know this lady? Oh, of course you do! She’s that kind little lady who lives next door, she’s the one who bakes cookies for the children in the neighborhood at Christmas or just whenever. She’s a grandmother and loving wife but her husband is gone now so she lives allRead… Read more »

Lee on Redaction Failures in PACER

Timothy B. Lee of the Princeton University Department of Computer Science and Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP) has posted Studying the Frequency of Redaction Failures in PACER, on the CITP’s blog, Freedom to Tinker. In this post, Mr. Lee reports on research respecting documents from the U.S. federal courts’ PACER database. Using customized software,Read… Read more »

The Weekly Spark – Week of May 26, 2011 (question)

This posting is a ‘public service’ experiment on my part for passing along potentially vital information. Please let me know if I should continue with it. Moldeven The Weekly Spark – Week of May 26, 2011 Following verbatim are the titles, ‘lede’ sentences and links (where available) of items posted online in The Weekly SPARK,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Partnering with EMC to Bring Data Scientists into the Fellowship

Earlier this month, our own Jen Pahlka had the honor of delivering the closing keynote at the EMC Data Scientist Summit in Las Vegas. The day-long event was a mix of speakers and panels with topics ranging from machine learning to cloud infrastructure. Jen rounded out the event by bringing the topic back down toRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Security Innovation Network “Showcase 2011″ 25-26 Oct 2011 in DC

The Security Innovation Network is a group with a mission. They seek to advance innovation and global collaboration between public and private sectors to defeat cyber security threats. They do this through a variety of focused activities and events, leading to a capstone event known as the SINET Showcase. The 2011 Showcase will be 25Read… Read more »

Organizational Development Challenges – The Results Are In!

As many of you know, we recently conducted a survey on the Top Ten Organizational Development Challenges employees are facing in 2011. After surveying over 300 clients, consultant and partners over the course of six months, the results are in! In order from the most pressing to the least challenging, the list below contains theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Career