Search Results for: Cloud

Webinar: Gov 2.0 Apps In Action

Join CivSource and Caspio for a free webinar to learn how the latest cloud-based technologies are enabling state and local agencies to publish databases and deploy interactive web applications on their websites without programming. Topics to be covered: * How cloud technology is used for a variety of Gov 2.0, open government, and e-gov apps.Read… Read more »

Member of the Week: Henry Brown

I am currently employed as a Security Analyst for Office of Personnel Management 1.What was your path to public service/current job? I spent 15 years in the military, before I decided that money was one of the more important things in my life (was trying to raise a family on E-6 pay in theRead… Read more »

Yasmin Goes to Space! (aka, my first few weeks at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)

Originally posted on my blog Ok, I didn’t really go to space. I did, however, find my way down to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center where I will be working on an enterprise 2.0 project for the next few months. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is headquartered in Washington DC, and itsRead… Read more »

7 Reasons Why the City of Los Angeles’ Move to Gmail Scares Me

In October 2009, The City of Los Angeles made a monumental business decision to switch its email (Outlook) and basic productivity products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) to Gmail and Google Apps by June 2010. They cited cost savings as the main driver and I applaud them for such a gutsy move. Despite unanimous approval from CityRead… Read more »

Three New State Legislatures to Increase Transparency with New Media

The Oklahoma House of Representatives, Virginia House and Senate, and the Illinois General Assembly – LIS Division recently partnered with Granicus to engage more people in the democratic process with new media tools such as video, bill systems integration, archiving, search, and podcasting. Granicus will be showcasing these and other clients at the National ConferenceRead… Read more »

Now What?

Note – this is crossposted from Also note that the visualizations don’t show up for some reason, if you want to see them click here. Full disclosure: I was recently sent advance copies of two reports (canada@150 c/o the PRI and Road to Retention c/o the Public Policy Forum) and asked to blog aboutRead… Read more »

On Change, or Why They Hate You

In a recent listserv conversation, someone asked a very reasonable question: What does the literature say about how change agents are received? This was in the context of knowledge management (KM), and the inquiry stemmed from an honest attempt to understand the hostility experienced from some in the workforce upon being introduced to KM initiatives.Read… Read more »

Everything Channel: 2010 State of the Market

Today, I attended Everything Channel’s 2010 State of the Market presentation, a great annual scorecard on the state of technology solutions provider channels. The typical survey respondent books about $3.5 million in annual revenues, in b-2-b transactions (no retail data here) so it’s a real-world look at issues facing technology solutions providers across many verticalRead… Read more »

Do you need a big fancy title to transform Government IT?

The idea that change can be initiated at every level of an organization is the cornerstone of our corporate and government philosophy. We agree and herald the idea that in our organization, noone’s voice is too small, no title is too low, no person is too insignificant, and that change and transformation can start anywhereRead… Read more »


All those who suffer from BAD LUCK syndrome, or are just interested in the phenomenon of whether BAD LUCK really does exist. Some people suffer from it more than others and they now have a place to go to share their thoughts, their experiences and/or their curiosity. A new website, is dedicated to exploringRead… Read more »