Search Results for: cio

Leading Without the Title

Would SUGGEST that this blog posting from the Harvard Business Review website has PERHAPS some usefulness across several groups… Author: Steven DeMaio Leading When You Don’t Have Formal Authority Whether you’re a manager, a frontline worker, or an independent contractor, at one time or another you’ve surely had to influence, or even improve, the performanceRead… Read more »

Where vendor organizations, legislation and open source collide – Healthcare Information Systems

I thought I’d include this as a reference since I’ve brought up this discussion elsewhere. If you’re looking for drama, plot twists and a wide assortment of characters look no further than the current impetus toward Electronic Health Record (EHR) adoption – A potentially Shakespearean Drama. The players and scenario: The battle brewing over EHRRead… Read more »

The Dark Side of Web 2.0

We have to get involved in Web 2.0! Hurry, we have to start planning for our rollout strategy for Web 3.0, whatever the hell that is. Or maybe we have to stop and think about things a bit. Social networks are fun, conferring with our peers can be enlightening and informative. However a major questionRead… Read more »

President Obama Opens another Door with

By Teresa Carlson, Microsoft Vice President of U.S. Federal Government Sales From We know the President is taking the Open Government Initiative seriously. He is driving his team to find news ways to open the doors of government and let the people in. The most recent example of dedication to an open government hasRead… Read more »

Postscript: Why .gov webbies need professional status

A couple of weeks ago I made the argument on my personal blog’Why .gov webbies need professional status‘. This is not a new idea, it’s been circulating in the UK for a couple of years. Problem is it hasn’t actually gone anywhere. Now the idea has some solidity through the efforts of myself and theRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 Working Group Charter

For those of you that read my last post on our new Social Media Policy, here’s the companion document that describes the duties and responsibilities expected from the peer oversight group, obliquely named the “Web 2.0 Working Group.” We’re hoping a more creative name for the group will emerge in time, but for now maybeRead… Read more »

Federal Cloud Computing Heating Up !

(Previously published on “Cloud Musings“) As fellow blogger Reuven Cohen mentions in his post, Federal cloud computing is indeed heating up: Vivek Kundra held a US Federal Government Cloud Computing Summit yesterday The Federal CIO Council is officially studying effective uses of cloud computing According to Network World, an INPUT study places Federal spend onRead… Read more »

Will there be a cyber czar?

The Obama admnistration is still putting all the pieces of the puzzle together for transparency and information technology. But the appointments of a federal CIO and CTO are not the end. There’s plenty of speculation there will be a cyber czar, too! Wow. What a change from previous administrations and how 21st century? For moreRead… Read more »

President Obama’s 2010 Budget Highlights Cloud Computing

President Obama’s 2010 Budget (pp. 157-158) has highlighted cloud computing as a key tool for improving innovation, efficiency and effectiveness in Federal IT. ” Cloud-computing is a convenient, on-demand model for network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released withRead… Read more »

Public engagement. Public empowerment.

My keynote from GOVIS 2009 – User Centred Government: More than meets the eye. Public engagement. Public empowerment. View more presentations from Stephen Collins. The GOVIS tag line is “Connect. Share. Learn.” So my first question is where is the conference wifi network for all of us to connect? It’s a must have for everyRead… Read more »