Using Application Intelligence Like Pirates

The increased use of applications has led to more complex IT environments as agencies adopt cloud, mobile, and virtual technologies. The complexity means that managing application performance is more challenging than ever. What agencies need is greater visibility into their applications, and application intelligence can help with that.

7 Steps to Cloud Adoption at FCC

To manage the vast and ever-changing demand on the FCC’s IT services, the agency has turned to hybrid cloud. And to deploy that cloud model, Deputy CIO Skudlarek explained how the department followed a methodical seven step plan of adoption.

How Virtual Data Can Solve Your App Dev Problems

It’s no secret that governments are under a lot of pressure. They experience internal and external demands that push them to be faster and more efficient. However, despite attempts to automate processes and improve approaches to software development, many agencies still struggle with supply and securing test data for application projects and other challenges. Secure,… Read more »