Search Results for: personal brand

How to Successfully Date Your Subscribers (Or, How to Send Great Emails)

One of GovDelivery’s Client Success Consultants, Bandar El-Eita recently came up with a helpful metaphor on email (or as GovDelivery calls them, bulletins) sending best practices. His thinking is that the process of encouraging a new citizen to sign up and read your bulletins is akin to the process of dating. That is, when aRead… Read more »

Pentagon Social Media Secrets Revealed

(Original Image: The Pentagon, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) David B. Gleason) Secrets and the Pentagon go hand in hand, right? So when the Pentagon decided to host an event for Social Media Week at the fabled five-walled Department of Defense headquarters called “Military & Government Use of Social Media: What Works,” we were doubtfulRead… Read more »

Book Review – “The Method Method”

Inspired by Nick Charney’s recent blog post, I thought I’d write quick book reviews of recent books and articles I’ve finished. This week’s: “The Method Method: Seven Obsessions that helped our start-up turn the industry around” What is it about – The book is the story of the brand Method which is a consumer brandRead… Read more »

Toughest Moments: Dealing with Being Accused

“Dave, you’re going to want to see this.” C.P. handed me a single white piece of paper. On it were three short paragraphs. No signature. “What’s this?” I asked. “It’s not good.” said C.P. Less than a minute later, I handed it back to C.P. “I’m not worried about it. There’s no credibility in thisRead… Read more »

Join the global Service Delivery JAM in Canberra (hosted by the Department of Innovation)

The Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education is holding the Canberra component of the Global Service Jam from 24-26 February 2012 as part of their efforts to support and foster innovative thinking across the Australian Public Service. This is part of a 90 plus city global event where people who are interestedRead… Read more »

Could Government use more Entrepreneurs?

When I think of entrepreneurs, I think of people who see an opportunity to take advantage of a service which isn’t currently provided, then risk their own capital to provide that service in the hopes of building a successful business or brand. There are many people out there who would argue that entrepreneurs also haveRead… Read more »

Living on the edge in social media – two case studies of Australian social media issues

Back in November 2010 I attended a Garner conference to speak about Gov 2.0. I was also able to attend a workshop about social media use in the banking industry. At the time I estimated that the banking industry was 2-3 years behind government in their social media effectiveness. That impression has been reinforced thisRead… Read more »

Live-Blogging Tech@State: Ignite Sessions

Clay Johnson, author of “Information Diet.” The U.S. started with a constituent to representative ratio of 60,000:1 and is now somewhere over 700,000:1. There will be a crisis if government can’t take the huge and growing amount of information from people and interpret it and use it in an effective way. With more and moreRead… Read more »