Search Results for: Cloud

IT changing to Enterprise 2.0 and could this be Government 2.0?

There seems to be a number of people doing some pretty serious thinking at the moment. On the one side there are CIOs and business managers grappling with some very real challenges and on the other some very good work on identifying the key factors that underlie these challenges. I think the playing field forRead… Read more »

Weekly newsletter on leading-edge knowledge that will help us create a more open government

Research Reports 1. OpenGovernment Reports from the UK and Australia (12//2009): See how Australia and the U.K. have developed plans similar to the U.S. Australia encourages “info-philanthropy” (such as a tax deduction for sharing data) and having employees engage online and experiment with new ideas. The U.K. is opening up data, integrating cross-jurisdictional information, emphasizingRead… Read more »

The Army’s iPhone Story

Sandra Erwin of National Defense magazine just published an excellent article on the Army’s foray into developing soldier-friendly smartphone applications. Giving credit to Army CIO Lt. Gen, Jeffrey Sorenson and Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Chiarelli, Sandra describes the services first steps towards the use of smartphones and cloud computing.According to the article,Read… Read more »

Acquia (Drupal) Launches Free Social Software Distribution Project to Compete Against Jive Software, Others

Acquia, the leading commercial support, training and Cloud Services organization around Drupal, has announced that there is a forthcoming open source distribution that will compete head on head with the likes of Jive Software, Telligent and others called Drupal Commons. This will be 100% free, open source and available to any who wish to useRead… Read more »

Washington DC is opening up its budgets, will you?

Sonny Hashmi, Deputy Chief Information Officer, OCFO at DC Government, sent me a note highlighting the new CFOInfo DC Dashboard, which is in Beta. This dashboard is exposing details of the District of Columbia’s budget to a degree I have never seen before, and making it easy for your average user to dig in andRead… Read more »

The Age Old Question

[Note that this is a cross post from my blog; it can be found here, it currently has 32 comments that are also worth reading.] Last week was a busy one for the Clerk of the Privy Council, Wayne Wouters. In addition to his regular duties he announced a new website, found his way onRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


40th Anniversary of EPA’s Earth Day

As we rapidly approach the 40th anniversary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Earth Day on April 22, I am excited and encouraged by the stellar progress the federal government has made in the area of energy efficiency. Recently, the federal government announced that it will take steps to cut its energy use and reduceRead… Read more »

GISC’s Social Media Roundtable

On Thursday, 25 March, I attended a gathering of civilian, military, and contractor personnel to discuss social networking/social media with two government representatives and two interns from STRATCOM’s Global Innovation and Strategy Center (GISC). The objective of the GISC is to assess the value of Internet-based Capabilities (IbC) to military operations. The project started inRead… Read more »

Space is the Place – NASA on Gov 2.0 Radio

If you’re looking for a glimpse into how earthpeople and their governments are evolving, what better way then to check into NASA’s two April appearances on Gov 2.0 Radio. This month, we’ll go coast to coast with conversation with Beth Beck about NASA’s social media initiatives, and Gretchen Curtis on the space agency’s pioneering cloudRead… Read more »

Privacy News Highlights – March 27th Week

Great Privacy News Highlights 22–31 March 2010 Contents: US – New U.S. Biometrics Agency Created to Manage Dod-Wide Responsibilities. 3 US – New Hampshire Lawmakers Reject Biometric ID Restrictions. 3 CA – Alberta Ponders Provincial Biometric ID Cards for Homeless. 3 CA – New BC Gov’t Powers Raise Privacy Concerns. 4 CA – B.C. DatabaseRead… Read more »