Search Results for: cio

A busy week for federal IT

Federal information technology issues are having a busy week. On Capitol Hill, the Senate Veterans Committee holds a confirmation hearing on Wednesday for Roger Baker to be an Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Information and Technology as well as the department’s CIO. It’s a great pick for the department that’s often been tangled inRead… Read more »

Mother’s Day

I was tooling down a back road Saturday morning on my way to Wal-Mart to pick up an exercise bike. I had NPR on the radio. They were interviewing this kid who placed third in American Idol a few years ago. He was doing well as a singer; he had just released another album. TheyRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” – Thurs 30 April, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance. Here are a few tweets from the tweet stream (have not clicked on any of the links) @WBEZWorldview Economics for the Soul: ethical values & public policymaking. #gov20 folks, take to heart pls @osrin: For those in the US don’t forget to add your 2 cents to thisRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” – Wed 29 April, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance. Here are a few tweets from the tweet stream (have not clicked on any of the links) @wtneary: Hmm never occurred to me to put twittering as resolution in Lakewood RT @MWEditor: & #gov20 @mweditor: From teachers to business people to municipal councillors, the locals are twittering awayRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week – Lauren Modeen

This week I was able to pick the brain of IT Queen and super active GovLooper, Lauren Modeen! She took some time to chat and I ended up with one awesome interview! Thanks Lauren! Enjoy! 1. What do you do exactly at Computech? Aha – – what do I do exactly at Computech…a solid openingRead… Read more »

You Were Never 1.0, but get ready for Enterprise 2.0

My latest guest editorial on ZDnet was published today. In this I am aiming to direct this conversation at decision makers who control the budget and the contracts or the business an organization, especially Government leaders need to know before diving into Social Media head first as a solution. I know I tend to beRead… Read more »

Vivek Kundra’s talk at the NVTC: Democratizing Data and Measuring Performance

I attended Vivek Kundra’s talk at an NVTC break this past Saturday, April 25th. Vivek challenged the audience and the federal government to rethink how to reach the public in their ‘daily digital life’ and to find innovative paths to deliver services. He underlined the importance of the federal government to attract the best ‘humanRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Running Business Like a Government

I absolutely love this article and thought I would share it with the GovLoop Community. Government managers are often told that they should look to the private sector on how to run their organizations. While government can certainly learn from best practices in the private sector, I have included a piece below that talks aboutRead… Read more »

Sell in May and go away?

Good morning. It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk. Stocks rose again on Friday as the bulls continue to push this rally for all that it is worth. The Dow and S&P 500 both gained over 1.5%, and are within a few points of another multi-month high. Just like last fall, the market seems toRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Tues 21 April, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance: @securityinfo: Google, AT&T and Twitter executives visit Iraq #polc09 #gov20 #opengo @debategraph: Slides prepared for yesterday’s Politics Online panel on public debate #polc09 #gov20 #opengov #edemcamp @sairy: For everyone interested in online politics, check out #polc09 conference feed – great info – wish I could be there! #p2Read… Read more »