Search Results for: cio

Tweet Type?

Last night at my company’s Leadership Development meeting we were discussing Patrick Lencioni’s book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Since it is quite true that you learn best by doing, our leader began a role-playing exercise by first splitting us up into different groups. Our goal was to act out common team scenarios…while theRead… Read more »

Vivek Kundra at FOSE

Vivek Kundra is the newly appointed Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the federal government. He is the first federal CIO ever and previously served as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the District of Columbia. He spoke this morning at FOSE, the major government technology tradeshow in Washington, DC. I wanted to write up my notesRead… Read more »

Why I Tweet

I find Twitter to be an incredibly useful tool for me in my job. I have conversations with people who don’t get it, and I find myself making the same claims over and over again. I had an email exchange on the subject today, and once again I wrote it all out, so I thoughtRead… Read more »

My Journey Through Twittersphere

The first time I ever heard of Twitter was about a year ago through a facebook newsfeed pulled from my friend Peter’s status that read: “I am twittering.” Twittering? Too much coffee? Work deadlines? Big date? I soon forgot about the slightly strange choice of word and went back to my facebook perusing. A fewRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – “Around the Corner”

Over the past year or so, blogs in the federal space have become more common and are increasingly being used to share information and ideas both internal and external to the agencies. Some great examples are Air Force Blogspot, Navy CIO, and NASA Blogs. OMB Director Peter Orszag just started a blog and the ObamaRead… Read more »

Chris Anderson on “Delivering on the Promise of Gov 2.0”

Chris Anderson, of Wired magazine and “The Long Tail” fame, was the keynote speaker at FOSE this morning. He spoke on “For the People and By the People: Delivering on the Promise of Gov 2.0”. Anderson started off with an interesting example – the infamous Twitter fail whale. Countless users have bemoaned the unreliability ofRead… Read more »

Memo to Our New Federal Chief Information Officer

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Vivek Kundra, Washington DC’s own CIO, has been appointed Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO). According to a Washington Technology article, Kundra “… plans to make the massive volumes of government data that isn’t sensitive available to the public through a new Web site, With more data available to theRead… Read more »

Open Source Government Transparency Projects

A whole cadre of folks inside and outside government are awash with figuring out how to address the government transparency question brought on by the President’s Transparency and Open Government memo. At the end of last weekend’s TransparencyCamp, Clay Johnson, Director of Sunlight Labs, brought up the issue of bringing open source developers into theRead… Read more »

How is your DoD organization using web 2.0 tools?

The Office of the Secretary of Defense CIO is working in conjunction with the Joint Staff J6 Directorate for C4 Systems to compile a study of how the Department of Defense is currently using web 2.0 tools, and to develop recommendations moving forward. I’m curious to see what kind of response we can get fromRead… Read more »

Moving and Upgrading An Intranet and the 6 P’s

So I’m moving my entire Intranet from an old ASP Classic code base to a more dynamic, new and improved .NET code base. I’m using the Open Source DotNetNuke for a few reasons: 1. I have a Microsoft Server, so I prefer, when possible to use things that work well with Microsoft…DotNetNuke, being a .NETRead… Read more »