Search Results for: cio

Quick and Dirty RSS

Note: This post is of my own personal opinion and is not endorsed or supported by any local, state, or federal government agency. I’ve given several presentations on RSS (Really Simple Syndication) and shown people just the basics about how to create a simple feed. Nothing fancy. However, during a conversation I was having withRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – We need more TSP options

Good Monday morning TSP participants. It’s time for your weekly TSP Talk. Stocks opened in dire straights on Friday, but quickly found their footing turning a 150-point decline into a small gain by the afternoon, but by the close sellers jumped back in and took the Dow down 119 points. After a dismal 2008, theRead… Read more »

Citizenship 3D!

Citizenship 3D By John Mahan on February 23rd, 2009 ( cit·i·zen·ship (noun) 1: the status of being a citizen 2 a: membership in a community (as a college) b: the quality of an individual’s response to membership in a community Have we achieved “ethical” citizenship on the Internet? The old English proverb that states “EveryRead… Read more »

Excellent Quote

Alvin Toffler’s prophesy: “The illiterate of the twenty-first century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” From the Harvard Business blog: A Time for Flexible, Positive Leaders 3:31 PM Friday February 20, 2009 As the world looks back to look ahead, nothing could ringRead… Read more »

Participative Government: A Historic, Yet Fragile Opportunity.

This week I had an opportunity to speak with Chris Dorobek, well-known host of Federal News Radio. It was an important discussion because, like many, I have been reflecting mightily about how and whether the commitment to a more participative government will succeed, and if so, in what form. Though historic, the opportunity is fragile.Read… Read more »

No government is an island

I live on a small island off the coast of British Columbia, across from Vancouver. The Road status tool was built by volunteers, during the bad weather. It’s not a big deal in itself, but is a proof of concept at the very least. Our next step, after completing the geo-tagging of roads, is toRead… Read more »

DOD and Social networking tools

From the Department of Navy CIO Blog Of late, there is much discussion and much written about social networking tools such as MySpace, YouTube and Facebook. In fact, many government agencies are deploying their own version of these tools to better facilitate information sharing within their communities. The Intelligence Community, for one, developed Intellipedia,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Social Media Explodes onto Fed 100

Each year, the readers of Federal Computer Week nominate people to win this prestigious award. According to FCW, “The Federal 100 award recognizes individuals in government and industry who made significant contributions to the federal information technology community in 2008.” I’m delighted to say I know many of the winners, and I couldn’t be prouderRead… Read more »

The quest for citizenship in America

From Bunker Hill to Basra: Quest For Black Citizenship In The Americas Thank you for that kind introduction. I’m honored beyond words that you have invited me here today to help commemorate Black History Month. I’m also honored that a kid from a small farm in East Texas has been given the opportunity to doRead… Read more »

Reflections On The Role of a Federal Chief Technology Officer

Had interview today with Federal News Radio on the role of the Chief Technology Officer. Here are some key points: 1. The CTO is a subject matter expert on technology modernization, transformation and deployment of new technology in the agency. 2. The CTO is responsible to work with the lines of business and IT toRead… Read more »