Search Results for: cio

In The News

There have been over 125 articles where GovLoop has been featured in the press. Here are some of our favorites: “A New Bunch of Younger Employees Find Their Place in the Federal Workforce” Washington Post (Front Page). August 7, 2010 “The Future of Government” GOOD Magazine, July 19, 2010 Does Anyone Outside D.C. Really CareRead… Read more »

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GovLoop Member of the Week – Craig Newmark, Customer Service Rep and Founder,

His envelopes are addressed to Mr. Newmark, but the founder of the online classified list website is better known for his first name: Craig. When not busy with craigslist, or working with the Craigslist Foundation, a community-building platform, Craig is a member of GovLoop. Craig graciously agreed to be profiled as a GovLoop member ofRead… Read more »

My Dad the Videographer…Thanks A Lot!

Note: This post is of my own personal opinion and is not endorsed or supported by any local, state, or federal government agency. There used to be a time when capturing a funny moment on camera and sending it America’s Funniest Home Videos to win $10,000 (and maybe $100,000 in the finals!) was the mostRead… Read more »

Tweeting Local Government: Revisited – Results and Tools

I have been using Twitter to update our citizens and beyond for a couple months now at the City of Shawnee, Oklahoma. We Tweet Police Calls, Fire Calls and General Government information, i.e. agenda/minute posting, job openings, etc. Recently I blogged an update about the various tools use to accomplish this and the automation usedRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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My First Meeting in Second Life – C’est La Vie…Deuxième?

Real life brings its fair share of embarrassing moments. Tonight marked my first embarrassing moments in Second Life. Sure, I have been giving participants in my Web 2.0 workshops a pseudo-tour of SL, but I had never attended an actual meeting with live interaction. Learning that MuniGov 2.0 was hosting its weekly event in SL,Read… Read more »

A social meeting to take the breath of entrepeneurship environment of Barcelona.

The DAY OF THE ENTREPRENEUR is the biggest annual meeting for entrepreneurs and support services for entrepreneurship and business growth in Barcelona. Over two days, the DAY OF THE ENTREPRENEUR brings together, around a widely varied and multi-format programme of activities, more than 5,500 entrepreneurs with business ideas, high level managers and decision-makers, the protagonistsRead… Read more »

Making progress…

A lot of things are starting to fall into place with our Web 2.0 initiative. We have a draft of our questions for a survey of our employees, we have Moodle up and running, we have two departments that have agreed to incorporate Twitter into their existing practices, we have SharePoint running and our ITRead… Read more »

GovLoop PR: To New Obama Staff – Stuck in Tech Dark Ages? Join the Golden Age at

I created and sent out this press release early this morning. Hope you find it entertaining and useful. And pass along to any journalist friends you have. ———————————————————- To New Obama Staff – Stuck in Tech Dark Ages? Join The Golden Age on The Obama campaign utilized the most modern and sophisticated technologies availableRead… Read more »

e-Participatory Budgeting: the Belo Horizonte case

This post is based on a paper of mine published by the Electronic Democracy Centre (Zurich University) about the experience of the e-Participatory Budgeting of the city of Belo Horizonte. In part 1 of this post I use extracts from a short article by Dan Jellinek (Headstar) and myself that aimed to present a summaryRead… Read more »

Capturing History Before it Disappears

Imaging the following scenario below being kept in a a file, in a basement, in a library forever, never seeing the light of day. Possibly of use to many, but untouchable to almost everyone. Would you keep it in that format as you have it? Keep it buried in a basement or an archive? Or,Read… Read more »