Search Results for: research

Leveraging IT to Maximize HR Resources

Human Resource Specialists are not specialists in Information Technology. Yet, today HR has a difficult time recruiting, engaging with employees, providing benefits, conducting training or capturing performance feedback without the intervention of technology. In fact, without technology, I can emphatically say that these functions are impossible. Why? Because heightened expectations for anywhere, anytime access toRead… Read more »

Government 2.0 at Parliment House

At Parliament House Canberra today, I attended the Gov 2.0 lunch with Alison Michalk on Community management . Also Professor Rachel K. Gibson, Institute for Social Change, University of Manchester, said a few words on research in the UK and Australia on use of Internet in election campaigns.Alison Michalk on Community managementAlison, Quiip Director andRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: David Dejewski

This week’s featured member is David Dejewski – check out his awesomeness! 1. What was your path to public service? Serving my community has seemed pretty important to me since I was a kid. I was 7 yrs old when I witnessed some “older” kids set fire to a field behind my house. I soundedRead… Read more »

Mobile Decisions | To App or Not to App, That is the Question

I will get some of this wrong. I am undoubtedly leaving much out. I am oversimplifying. However, as mobile development in the federal government continues to ramp up, tools to help agencies and individuals assess how (and when) to intelligently proceed are increasingly important. Recognizing that every situation is unique, an understanding of a fewRead… Read more »

In Search of Ideas: How Counties and Towns are Trying to Tap Citizens’ Smarts

***Part of our month-long series on Creating a Digital City with PDF – Check out all our analysis*** Karen Wilkerson is the city administrator for tiny De Leon, Tex., and her job won’t be getting any easier anytime soon. Like localities across the country, De Leon, a town of 2,433 as of the 2000 U.S.Read… Read more »

In praise of user testing – part 1

We have ran some user testing recently and what an eye-opener it was. So how did we go about this? Well by trying to find users who were interested in our content. I have already described how I helped to identify the persona of performance measurement specialists. The usability supplier then dug up the relevantRead… Read more »

Flint to test hydrogen fueling station

The Mass Transportation Authority in Flint (MI) plans to build a hydrogen fueling station, which will be a test site for researchers at Kettering University. Original post

Call for IT Industry to Help With Autism

Recently Professor Sylvia Rodger asked for help contacting the IT industry about autism. She was to brief an international autism summit on a Proposal to establish a Cooperative Research Centre on Autism. Key to the proposal is to involve the IT industry in the work. It has been long established that those with Autism SpectrumRead… Read more »