Search Results for: Employee Recognition

ChatterBachs announces GovLoop training

On the ChatterBachs blog: ChatterBachs announces GovLoop training ChatterBachs announced today that they will offer training on GovLoop as a part of their services. ChatterBachs, a social media and communications consulting firm based in Northern Virginia, has capabilities to create and maintain blogs, conduct social media training, act as an outsourced component for establishingRead… Read more »

It’s the STIGMA that hurts!

I have thoughts regarding the proposed pay freeze- yes another post about this subject! First and foremost there’s this constant overhanging battle that an employee of the government has: trying to prove oneself that they are WORTH every dime they are paid and are putting all their effort into the good of the country. SecondlyRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 and Entrepreneurship: What’s That Got To Do With It?

Last Friday it was class time. At least symbolically. At the George Washington University the “Gov 2.0 Startup Lab” event was scheduled. Besides the mix of Social Media presenters, innovative Change Makers and Techies, it was time to infect the government with some great entrepreneurial spirit. After a couple of individual presentations the first panelRead… Read more »

Love It or Leave It!

This week I was asked what type of advice I’d give to someone starting a career in public service. It wasn’t all that difficult to answer this question but while I was framing my response I realized that my advice would be the same no matter where the person was in their career or whereRead… Read more »

Social Justice: Bringing Light to Our Darkness

Social Justice: Bringing Light to Our Darkness Ron Manderscheid, PhD Executive Director, NACBHDD As our nights lengthen into fall, darkness has also descended upon our country’s dialogue on National Health Reform. Positions have hardened, and the gulf has widened among our points of view. In this period of uncertainty, it is useful to revisit theRead… Read more »

Social Media: Putting a Human Face on Government

At a couple of recent presentations on social media for local government, I asked the audiences of IT professionals which tools they were already using. At least 90 percent indicated they were using Twitter or Facebook, usually both. The battle for social media adoption has been won. However, adoption is just the first step, andRead… Read more »

Nominate an Unsung Hero Today!

Dear Concerned Citizen, During these tough economic times, it is essential that we strive to be a part of the solution to the challenges many face and to help make America great by serving in our communities.. As members of the DC community, we are fortunate to have countless examples of public servants who workRead… Read more »

Do Different Masters Make a Difference?

Who’s responsible for the day-to-day employment decisions in your agency? Is it an appointed or elected official or a career employee? Does the position make a difference? Everyday, organizations make decisions that directly affect the terms and conditions of our employment. Who to select for promotion, who will be reassigned or detailed, to whom recognitionRead… Read more »

Privacy News Highlights – August 15th

Some top privacy news Biometrics US – U.S. Scans Afghan Inmates for Biometric Database Wired reports on the U.S. military’s new detention facility in Parwan, Afghanistan, as “an emerging datafarm” where all detainees brought to the facility are given medical exams and have their irises scanned and fingerprints taken to be stored in a militaryRead… Read more »

Fabulous is at a Premium!

Employers are constantly looking for fabulous employees. We all know they exist, but we aren’t quite sure what makes them fabulous … it just bugs some of us! Fabulous employees have some intangible, invisible quality that escapes us … some of us even try to keep our distance while we envy them. Are you aRead… Read more »