Search Results for: research

Using social media in times of crisis

On 4 April, I attended Social Media in Times of Crisis — a symposium held by the Eidos Institute at the State Library of Queensland in Brisbane. The day was designed to address a number of issues covering public and government use of social media tools in crisis situations, use by first and subsequent respondersRead… Read more »

“Whosoever Desires Constant Success must Change his Conduct with the Times.”

This Machiavellian quote encapsulates this week’s blog, which is a continuation of last week’s blog where we categorized the six tactics people utilize to avoid accepting change. To recap, there are several different tactics that are typically taken that can be classified into the following six categories Only Game in Town We Are theRead… Read more »

Regulatory Frameworks for Distance Education

The first talk after lunch at CCA-EDUCAUSE Australasia 2011 in Sydney is “Regulatory Frameworks for Distance Education in the Asia/Pacific Region” by Stephen Marshall, Victoria University of Wellington. This was the result of a small research project on what is happening in the region. Organisations involved included DeHub, INQAAHE. Issues included social inclusion, role ofRead… Read more »

The Accidental Website Visitor

If you manage website content, then this advice from Gerry McGovern from his April 3rd blog post is well worth considering … It’s very important that you don’t attract the wrong type of person to your website. I dealt with a specialist government health website some years ago. Its objective was to help medical researchersRead… Read more »

What Happens When Sports Wins Out Over Education in School

The other day I noticed a tweet with a link to a video posted by a professional news organization, Delaware Online, edited in a way to make it seem that the Delaware DOT was illegally or improperly stealing some guy’s basketball pole. Unfortunately not only did this news agency take this angle, but the majorityRead… Read more »

3 Interviewing Tips for Your Job Search

A post by ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Strategist Patra Frame When you are looking for a job, getting an interview is a great step forward. And for most people, a scary one. Interviewing is a specialized dance, one that has been re-invented since the last time you went dancing. And it is often even more difficult forRead… Read more »

Civic Health Index

An annual report that elevates the discussion of our nation’s civic health by measuring a wide variety of civic indicators, America’s Civic Health Index is in an effort to educate Americans about our civic life and to motivate citizens, leaders and policymakers to strengthen it. Among other things, the Civic Health Index measures such factorsRead… Read more »

Innovation and eDiplomacy — The importance of internet freedom and the use of technology to enhance international affairs

This morning, I attended an event at the US Embassy Public Affairs Unit in Canberra designed to discuss matters of eDiplomacy and use of online tools in diplomatic and international affairs efforts. The event, being hosted specifically for an Australian audience by the State Department included a conversation with Alec J Ross (he is @AlecJRossRead… Read more »

Think We Don’t Need to Teach Local Government in School? Read This!

A few days ago, I noticed a Tweet indicating someone was extremely angry about a video on YouTube. Normally I would not click on something like this, but for some reason I followed the link and found myself watching a man who was very upset that the “government” was pulling out a basketball pole inRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Daily Dose: Are You Being Too Close Minded About Your Job Search?

Are we being too closed minded when it comes to job searching? In the Washington Post article, “Want a federal government job? Think outside the box” by Derrick T. Dortch, he thinks along with diligence, networking and self-promotion that we need to think outside the box when it comes to the job search. He usesRead… Read more »