Search Results for: cio

Young Feds 101: Applying the Warrior’s Way to Work

As a young fed, I am constantly seeking balance. Like my work, I take my hobbies seriously, and through the course of enjoying them I often come across lessons that work to enhance my abilities across arenas. One of my favorite non management publications is Blue Ridge Outdoors, a free magazine about all kinds ofRead… Read more »

Rule #6: “Most meetings contain a very high % of “Mental Masturbation” which can be significantly reduced by the chair creating and following and agenda”

Rule #6: “Most meetings contain a very high % of “Mental Masturbation” which can be significantly reduced by the chair creating and following and agenda” For 25 years peers, bosses, subordinates and my wife have tried to convince me to eliminate the term “mental masturbation” from my vocabulary. I continue to use it not forRead… Read more »

Immigration Policy

From : The difference between enforcement and economic immigration reform is the same as the difference between symbolic and substantive issues. The symbolic enforcement represents tens of billions of dollars being used with little concern for its efficacy (“Controlling Unauthorized Immigration”, IPC) in order to express tough, popular rhetoric. It isn’t about resources, it’sRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 and The Rise of Informal Networks

Recently I wrote this post that was featured on the Wikinomics blog. I thought I would share it and cross post it here as well. ——————————————- It’s official – Gov 2.0 is here to stay. From nGenera’s Gov 2.0: Wikinomics, Government and Democracy, project, NAPA’s Collaboration Project, and Mashable’s recent Gov 2.0 column, a lotRead… Read more »

Greetings From YGL-Bethesda!

Hi Everyone! I’m the house blogger and President of the Bethesda Chapter of Young Government Leaders. As part of my duties I am locked in a perpetual battle to post relevant, insightful and occasionally entertaining content to Apparently my struggle caught the eye of Steve, who has graciously asked me to cross post myRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech



I just set up a group on GovLoop called “Government Security Clearances” that I hope can generate interagency discussion about how we as a government grant and uphold clearances to protect sensitive information. Different agencies set different standards for information access and staff conduct and use different resources to conduct background investigations and look intoRead… Read more »

Leadership: Caesar or Machiavelli?

There comes a time in your career when you must decide what sort of role you will occupy in your company or agency. Will you be worker bee, one who focuses on the tasks at hand and keeps the wheels turning? Will you be a bean counter, making sure all the I’s are dotted andRead… Read more »