Search Results for: research

Social Media: Step One Start Listening

Using Social Media and Web 2.0 Tools to Listen The hype around social media over the last few years has pushed people, and organsations into the adoption of tools they don’t fully understand in order to keep up with competitors or industry leaders. This has led to many failed social media initiatives. No one arguesRead… Read more »

The Impact of Impact Fees on Marcellus Shale

The first meeting of the Marcellus Municipal Co-op was a huge success in terms of assessing the needs of local communities as related to Marcellus Shale As the Marcellus Shale boom continues to redefine the landscape of Pennsylvania, people are focusing in on how government at all levels is working to find the right balanceRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized


Feds Stay Informed Using ALL Media

I attended one of my favorite annual events this week—the Annual Federal Media and Marketing Study presentation. The research, done by Market Connections, Inc. with TMP Government, surveys government and military mid to senior level professionals to learn how they are using media in their work. Subscribers to the study can slice and dice theRead… Read more »

Apr 7 Keynote Address at Mobile Apps & Interactive Games Conf

Greenest City by 2020 Project: Bridging Digital and Traditional Participation in Vancouver, BC Susanna Haas Lyons / Public Engagement Specialist, and Researcher, University of British Columbia and Amanda Mitchell, Greenest City Planning Analyst at the City of Vancouver Join us for an exciting and indepth exploration of how the City of Vancouver, British Columbia,Read… Read more »

Wind Speeds and Wave Heights Increasing

Professor Ian Young, new Vice Chancellor of the Australian National University was interviewed on ABC Radio “Bush Telegraph” about “Ocean waves and winds increasing” (29/03/2011). This was about research indicating that ocean wind speeds and importantly wave heights have increased over the last 20 years. Professor Young was careful to say that this could notRead… Read more »

On GameTech 2011

I was absolutely pleased, humbled, honored, psyched… to be asked to team up with Alicia and Kris on the Social Gaming panel discussion on Tuesday afternoon. I love panel discussions that turn into brain dumps, and we share a very close rapport. I hope that experience resonated with the audience (physically and virtually in attendance).Read… Read more »

Mature Models for Healthy and Resilient Cyber Systems

In February 2011 we reported on a Department of Homeland Security research agenda for cyber security, providing the opinion that this was “the most mature research agenda on the topic of cyber security.” That research agenda is fantastic and should help shape the future cyber ecosystem in very positive ways. Now in March 2011, DHSRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

GovInsights with Professor Beryl Radin: What Are the 4 Biggest Challenges in Government Right Now?

This interview is part of a series on GovLoop called “GovInsights” where we are interviewing and highlighting the thoughts and perspectives of professors at colleges and universities who are researching and writing about government issues. This time we talked with, Professor Beryl Radin- Scholar in Residence for the Department of Public Administration and Policy atRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Sandra Yeaman

Over at “Rock Your Resume” — a joint project of GovLoop and Young Government Leaders — we’re happy to honor Sandra Yeaman as GovLoop Member of the Week! The goal of Rock Your Resume is to help current and aspiring Govies fine-tune their government resumes by offering resume reviews and resources. Since its launch inRead… Read more »

Educational Technologist Job Available at ANU

The Educational Development Group of the Australian National University (ANU), College of Engineering and Computer Science has advertised for an “Educational Technologist”:Educational Technologist (G157-11MY) Research School of Engineering, ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science Come join the education team in Engineering and Computer Science in redeveloping College courses to realise Original post

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Filed under: Career