Search Results for: Cloud

Citizen Networks, The Next Big Thing?

Transparency. Efficiency. Accountability. All are stated goals of federal, state and local government. All are embodied in the Economic Recovery Act. How will they be accomplished? The Old World. In the “old world”, government agencies approach each by building or modifying Web based portals. Government uses these portals as hubs to publish government documents andRead… Read more »

The Net is the World’s Largest Library. The Problem is That all the Books are on the Floor

Traditionally, metadata adds structure to otherwise unstructured content. Modern systems open the possibility of unstructured metadata. Rating systems and folksonomies both fall into this category. These user generated finding aids give designers and content specialists, especially those who work in libraries, 😉 pause. We have to: * determine whether our projects would benefit from lowerRead… Read more »

The quest for citizenship in America

From Bunker Hill to Basra: Quest For Black Citizenship In The Americas Thank you for that kind introduction. I’m honored beyond words that you have invited me here today to help commemorate Black History Month. I’m also honored that a kid from a small farm in East Texas has been given the opportunity to doRead… Read more »

I’m Back, So Is Kundra

Repost from today at: The Agile Mind, News of my disappearance has been greatly exaggerated! Those of you who had written me off should have known better. In fact, I was simply hibernating until my prediction about Vivek Kundra came true, well, almost. Today has WFED radio in DC and NextGov (a blogging stompingRead… Read more »

SOA is Dead, Will it Become a Zombie?

I came to my own realization that SOA, as an industry term, was on its way out last summer. As a concept, it’s wonderful and some people have accomplished great things by following the SOA paradigm. I found it interesting that Anne Thomas Manes, an industry thought leader in SOA, would be presenting a “SOARead… Read more »

Two Inauguration Negatives – Groaning & Garbage

By now you’ve either heard or read every possible perspective on what occurred in my fair city of Washington, DC over the past several days. I’m sure you’ve enjoyed the tears, cheers, speeches, marches and balls supplemented by 7×24 coverage, countdowns, videos, pictures, satellite images and punditry. If you’re thinking, “Enough already!”, you’re not alone.Read… Read more »

Microsoft FutureFed: Gov 2.0 – What does it mean to the Federal Government?

Amid the excitement and flurry surrounding a new administration, Federal agencies and workers must remember the call for transparency and accountability. To do so, they must understand and embrace the concept of “Gov 2.0.” Like Web 2.0, taking advantage of Internet technology and Web design, Gov. 2.0 will, according to the Wikipedia definition, “enhance creativity,Read… Read more »

2009: A year for technology in government, Microsoft FutureFed

Microsoft has launched a very insightful blog about government technology called FutureFed, and it is definitely worth checking out. Here’s their latest post on trends in government IT. The year ahead promises to be an exciting one for government IT. At all levels, a new Administration on the national scene will influence directions, mandates, andRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


2009 Predictions – HR and The Year of the Ox

Most of us cannot wait to wash our hands of 2008 – It was a tumultuous, emotional, surprising and bitter year for so many. But scrub as we might, it’s going to be difficult to remove the stains of fear, uncertainty and doubt from our collective conscious. So perhaps it’s foolhardy to continue with theRead… Read more »

Are You a Member of Generation C?

Originally published at the Young Government Leaders Blog In my journeys across the Web, I have observed a fascinating phenomena: Millennials and Gen X’ers aren’t the only ones embracing the power of social media and its potential to create “Government 2.0.” If I had to estimate the average age of guests at virtual venues likeRead… Read more »