Search Results for: cio

Leadership: Caesar or Machiavelli?

There comes a time in your career when you must decide what sort of role you will occupy in your company or agency. Will you be worker bee, one who focuses on the tasks at hand and keeps the wheels turning? Will you be a bean counter, making sure all the I’s are dotted andRead… Read more »

Rule #1: The test of ethical behavior is always “would your mother approve?”

Back in the 1980”s (you remember the 80’s-the “me generation”, big hair, bad rock and roll), institutions began to develop courses on ethical behavior in response to a perceived lack of ethical behavior in the workplace (venerable Harvard Law School placed an ethics course in their curriculum which generated more then a modest amount ofRead… Read more »

Trade Magazine Round-Up

Lately I’ve been asking government employees what magazines/blogs/websites to get information on the government community and tips on their jobs. I usually get a puzzled look or maybe an apology saying they know they should read more. I actually read way too many magazines, blogs, newsletters about the federal government. I am here to giveRead… Read more »