Search Results for: research

Reuniting America: A Toolkit for Changing the Political Game

Joseph McCormick, co-founder of Reuniting America, and humorist Steve Bhaerman have just released a new e-Book directly relevant to our national situation, Reuniting America: A Toolkit for Changing the Political Game. As old top-down ways of governing prove inadequate in the face of increasing complexity, it is a manifesto for a transpartisan “grassroots up-wising.” DownloadRead… Read more »

Weekly Links Roundup 2.21.11

Observe Everything. Communicate Well. Draw, Draw, Draw. Frank Thomas, Disney Animator, When asked to give advice to young animators McDonald’s Aiming to Start Healthy Food Chain: Well what do you know…the fast food giant is looking to correct the public health disasters they’ve helped to engineer with creating a chain of healthy food restaurants. IRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 25, 2011 (Government Shut-Down Preview Edition)

Gadi Ben-Yehuda The Government Shutdown and You(Tube): Andrea Di Maio published a peice titled “What if Government 1.0 Shut Down? Government 2.0 May Have To As Well,” a great read, as is the comment by Doug Hadden. Also, NextGov points to one difference between the last government shut-down and this year’s potential shut-down in itsRead… Read more »

GovSec conference is March 29-31 2011

The folks organizing the GovSec 2011 Conference and Expo have just given me a code that will give you a 10% discount when you register for their event, and they would like me to share that with you. That’s nice of them isn’t it? I try to go to this conference every year. When I’mRead… Read more »


Jonathan Freedland in The Guardian: The biggest complaint, in both my Twitter sample and the expert essays, was about the quality of thinking in the online era. What the internet has done, say the dissenters, is damage our ability to concentrate for sustained periods. Being connected meant being constantly tempted to look away, to hopRead… Read more »

Roundup: Government Shutdown Looms – What it Means to Contractors

As March 4 draws closer, the likelihood of a government shutdown increases as Republicans remain steadfast in their commitment to deep spending cuts. Their resolve was exemplified by the House passing a continuing resolution on Saturday for $61 billion in cuts for the remainder of fiscal year 2011. Senate Democrats responded yesterday with a proposalRead… Read more »

Invincea Named Most Innovative Company of RSA 2011

If you are an enterprise IT professional there is something you should know: Invincea has been named the “Most Innovative” company at the 2011 RSA conference. There are reasons for this. The capabilities provided by Invincea hold great promise in the fight against malware. The endorsement of a panel of security experts at the world’sRead… Read more »

Discussions with Patient Empowerment Changemakers: CureTogether

Last July, the Ashoka Changemakers organization launched a competition around patient empowerment that spanned the globe. I wrote about it last year on the blog with some added thoughts on the e-patient revolution. Since then, the competition closed out and announced three winners of the $10,000 prize in December. I decided it would be aRead… Read more »

Your Turn: Transparency Questions

On Friday, AABPA will host TRANSPARENCY 2011: THE BUDGET AND YOUR CAREER in conjunction with the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and Public Financial Publications, Inc. The conference is designed to provide key insights on how the current budget situation and heightened demand for budget skills combine to create aRead… Read more »

What is the state, use and future of emergency social data?

Last year, I asked Govloop about the value proposition for open government data before the first International Open Government Data Conference. The discussion was so rich and helpful for informing my presentation that I’m back again to ask you, the community, for insight. Next week, the Red Cross will be hosting a discussion of emergencyRead… Read more »