Search Results for: plain language

6 Reasons Why You May Have Failed The PMP Exam 3 Times

While I hope it doesn’t happen to you, some people fail the PMP exam 3 times. If you do find yourself in that situation, you will have to wait a year from the date of your last exam before you will be able to apply for your PMP certification again. Over the years, I haveRead… Read more »

Trusting the Terrain

This picture does not indicate a non-stop train. One would think, if one did not speak Dutch, that you boarded the train at Tilburg, and de-trained at Den Haag Centraal. (My actual origin point was Eindhoven a few hours earlier, but that’s part of the story.) To expand. If one grew up on New York’sRead… Read more »

Why I Code… In China.

I live in China and I’m SUPER optimistic about open data and civic engagement. For the last five years I worked for the City of Houston. Among the many projects I worked on, I was part of the city/community team that launched Houston’s open data and open innovation hackathon initiatives. I worked with really awesomeRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

3 things the President should say in the SOTU – Plus Dorobek’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Hiring is one of the biggest challenges in government. Getting the right people in the right position is key for an effective government. Just as hiring the right NIH scientist is key to curing disease so too is hiring the right procurement official. However, well-trained procurement officials are hard to findRead… Read more »

Government’s Communication Challenge or Opportunity?

By Megan Bensatte Communicating with the Public: A challenge for government If you work in government communications, you know that we often have a hard time getting our message across to the masses. While our concepts start off simple enough, the end product is weighed down with technical jargon, lawyer-like speak and far too manyRead… Read more »

Lynn Fine: Why I’m Coding for America

I grew up in an activist family. My parents moved to San Francisco in the 1960′s and were deeply involved in advancing issues of civil rights and social justice. With no Facebook posts or Twitter hashtags available to them they had to organize the old-fashioned way. While my mother is surprisingly tech-savvy (her skills putRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Twitter Best Practices: 11+ Tips for Tweeting Well

Summary: Targeted primarily to rookies, this guide offers a set of Twitter best practices that helps people maximize their ability to maintain a strong signal/noise ratio and avoid making mistakes that can hurt their individual professional and/or organizational brands. More experienced Tweeters – including mavens – may want to consider the advice and reconsider someRead… Read more »

An Inhuman Web? Weekly Round-up: December 13, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Attention, Government Newsletter Writers (and those who analyze the metrics): New Gmail Rules Will Destroy the ‘Open Rate’ Metric (or not). Related: Is your web traffic inhuman? Dan Chenok Defense authorization passes without IT reform language, which will likely come back next session: FOIA Modernization may advance given commitment in Whitre House OpenRead… Read more »

Go Mobile Without Going Bankrupt: Cross-Platform App Development with HP

Optimizing your agency for mobile is a necessary step in today’s technology environment. In GovLoop’s recent mobile guide, we shared how government agencies are transforming internal operations and customer service by leveraging the power of mobile apps. For example, the Transportation Security Administration has created an internal app to keep employees aware of critical securityRead… Read more »

Tips, Tricks and Techniques for Having Fun and Becoming More Effective When Doing Impromptu Public Speaking

On Thursday, November 21, SPICE Toastmasters heard from a dynamic speaker — 2013 District 27 Table Topics Winner Clarence Featherson! Our Toastmaster of the Day kicked off this special meeting with the pledge of allegiance, mission statement, word of the day, and inspirational quote. Word of the Day: Cogent – Convincing or believable Inspirational Quote:Read… Read more »