Search Results for: research

Contracting Skills Championship

I just read an article that featured memory competitions. For example, at the USA Memory Championship, participants compete in 10 events. One event involves memorizing random digits in a short time and repeating as many as possible. Another is memorizing the order of a card deck and repeating it as fast as possible. I thinkRead… Read more »

Making Sense of Twitter – the Uber Hashtag

Originally posted at 2011 February 17 tags: #crisisdata, #hashtag, #hsem, #informationsharing, #twitter, SMEM by Sara Estes Cohen I was recently inspired after reading a tweet posted by Hal Grieb, who shared a link to an article on how to communicate a snow event. To ensure the tweet was seen by all potentially interested parties,Read… Read more »

Survey suggests public service professionals use social networking — but not as part of their job

A new survey from the Public Service Research Panel (PSRPanel) finds that over two-thirds of public service professionals surveyed use social networking daily (50%) or weekly (20%) as part of their personal life. However, only a third use social networking daily (12%) or weekly (21%) as part of their job. The survey is based onRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Career

Public service professionals say an interesting job is more important than money, survey finds

A new survey from the Public Service Research Panel (PSRPanel) finds that 69% of public service professionals consider “an interesting job” to be very important to them, while only 9% consider high income to be very important. And 54% consider “helping other people” to be very important. The survey is based on responses from 194Read… Read more »

CRS Report on Government Transparency Asks Right Questions But Doesn’t Go Far Enough

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Back in February 2009 in Challenges Facing and the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board I wrote the following about making Federal stimulus spending data more accessible and “transparent” to the public: Whatever methods are developed to represent and report on the various processes that are involved in implementing theRead… Read more »

No Textbook Answer: Communities Confront the Achievement Gap (documentary film)

This post includes details on a new National Issues Forums documentary film on how schools can use deliberation to uncover the best ways for them to address the achievement gap. The film will be aired on PBS stations around the country in 2011, and you can (1) request a free copy of the film andRead… Read more »

Repeated Use of E-Gov Web Sites: A Satisfaction and Confidentiality Perspective

International Journal of Electronic Government Research: The results suggest that a user’s intention to continue using government Web sites is related to the user’s satisfaction, perceived performance of the Web site and the requirement for confidential information. This research also confirms that gender difference does moderate the relationship between users’ satisfaction levels and repeated useRead… Read more »

PACE Webinar: ‘Positioning for the Possible: Civic Engmt as Educ Reform Strategy in NM’

We’re pleased to share this invitation to an upcoming PACE program from Chris Gates: “Upcoming Webinar: ‘Positioning for the Possible: Civic Engagement as an Education Reform Strategy in New Mexico’ Join us for a Webinar on March 1 Space is limited.Reserve your Webinar seat now at: Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement (PACE), the New MexicoRead… Read more »

My Process for Presentations

Over the last couple of years, I’ve delivered a number of presentations. I am a huge skeptic of my own presentations, but I get asked my process by many people who really like them. This is my effort at trying to explain what I do (not necessarily defend it). Most of the presentations I’ve givenRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Continued Evolution of DoD Cyber Policy

The deputy secretary of Defense, the Honorable William J. Lynn III, delivered remarks at the RSA conference that captures a snapshot of DoD cyber policies. This is consistent with the continually improving path the department has been on for the last several years. I recommend a good read of the remarks and hope you shareRead… Read more »